‘Batman’ star Adam West had sex with 8 women a night – IOTW Report

‘Batman’ star Adam West had sex with 8 women a night

He added that the costumes seem to be part of the lure for women: “If you look at our show, you’ll see that we always stood with our legs open, our fists on hips and our bat bulges forward, which had a profound effect on women.”



Holy family viewing, Batman — it turns out the Caped Crusader’s fetching satin pants spent a lot of time on the floor.

Adam West, who died on Saturday at age 88, became a TV legend for his camped-up portrayal of the hero in the ’60s.

But behind the mask was a sex-mad actor who slept with up to eight women a night — and turned to booze when the show was axed.

He and co-star Burt Ward, who played sidekick Robin, also romped with eager groupies in their dressing rooms in between scenes.

In fact, West discovered the only limits to his bedroom batpowers were those caused by his famous costume.

The actor explained years later: “Because of the physical limitations of the costume, you gotta have quickies.”

And he had an awful lot of them, as well as dates with fellow stars including actress sisters Natalie and Lana Wood, and Raquel Welch.

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28 Comments on ‘Batman’ star Adam West had sex with 8 women a night

  1. Oh, yea, and I suppose his Bat Rod hit the floor, when unfurled.

    What’s that old adage: those who brag, have to : those that don’t brag, don’t need to.

  2. “‘Batman’ star Adam West had sex with 8 women a night”

    There’s no way to prove that, any man can say anything about how many times he screws a night. Put him up against the braggarts like John Holmes and Wilt Chamberlain (whom are both dead), and we’ll see about those marks on the wall. Even if he did, who cares, what does it mean in the big picture of things, and will it help me win the lottery? Will this information get me a vacation in Hawaii? /just saying

  3. What does Raquel Welch say?
    ” I remember one night with eight different women. Orgy is a harsh word, but it was eight at one time.” Note the key words “one time.”
    I couldn’t read much of this. Batman was just too goofy to watch. What does that say about the groupies? And Gorshin? EWE!

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