Be All That You Can’t Be – IOTW Report

Be All That You Can’t Be


Turns out Mr. “Rachel” [Maj. Rachel Jones] won’t need to worry about things like weight standards, at all. Since he identifies as trans, Mr. “Rachel” will be exempt from such inconvenient things as staying shape.

Here’s a closeup of the images:



25 Comments on Be All That You Can’t Be

  1. That mentally sick freak’s pronouns should be “dead/weight”.
    The only salute “it” would get from me is a middle finger. Maybe two of them.

  2. The American People are coming after these twisted freaks.

    Unfortunately, for these twisted mental 5G morons, us Boomers from WWII Dads, Moms, Brother, Sisters, Neighbors and every else American after them, will show you what it means to being drafted.

    Keep it up, fuck faces! I see the icy breaths of Russians whom I met and only wanted to be friends with Americans.

    I will always love you, Antonina. Your people must be patient with Our today’s spoiled brats who have not yet had their asses kicked thoroughly by us.

  3. I can’t help but wonder how much money it takes for our “leaders” to roll over for the Communists, WEF, Soros and Obamas in order to give away America and all it stands for.

    The most important country on the planet is being sold for pennies on the dollar.

  4. @Tony R
    So far, I haven’t seen anything that shows the USMC has been co-opted by the pussies that demand full control of America.
    I hope it stays that way.

  5. Fat ass “White Rage” Mark Milly will be replaced this fall, his replacement will come from 2 names; a black AF guy (Charles Brown Jr.) who is a social justice warrior simpatico with Austin, and a Marine General (David Berger, commandant of the Marines) who has thought long and hard about the next war with China, and ruffled more than a few feathers with his decision to abandon the combat tank (impractical for Pacific Island warfare) in favor of more precision-guided missiles and upgrades to Marine units.

    I think we all know which way Biden will lean.

  6. Just WHO in their right mind would think we need a bunch of fat faggots and freaks in what is suppose to be a fighting force to protect our country?

    I’m so sick and fed up with these freaks/faggots/and liberals
    I’m just glad as I’m an old fart so I won’t see the finale when the democRATS FUCK UP what’s left of our country!

  7. @Rich

    Appreciate your comments.

    …a Marine General (David Berger, commandant of the Marines) who has thought long and hard about the next war with China, and ruffled more than a few feathers with his decision to abandon the combat tank (impractical for Pacific Island warfare)

    But that assumes a war with China will be fought on Pacific Islands, like “Island Hopping” in WWII. Or jungle ridden SE Asia countries. I think not necessarily. However, I did see an armored unit (11th Armored Cav Regiment) crashing through the jungle in Vietnam with tanks and APCs. Putting up fortresses on various islands didn’t help the Japanese much, although it may have delayed their inevitable defeat. MacArthur’s plan of bypassing many islands to concentrate on the most strategic was a brilliant one.

    If war comes, it seems hard to predict where it will physically take place, could be Japan, Korea, Australia, mainland China itself? The US?….its all a mystery. I don’t think it will be in Taiwan, China will devour it like a very hungry tiger before we get any troops near there. I have read that we have a few companies of Marines in Taiwan. If that is true, and it may not be, they won’t be of much help.

  8. I count myself as fortunate to have retired for a second time in 2013.

    Yes, the Kenyan Queer was wreaking havoc but not on this scale.

    My first thought was this lard ass was gender swapping to avoid Height/Weight standards and save his REMF career.

    He is no more a woman than Mulvany. I highly suspect he is not on any transition therapy other than growing out his hair and holding rainbow flags.

    The first thing I would have done was counsel him on fitness, put him on the weight control program and schedule his diagnostic PT test as a male.

    Of course then they would have relieved me of command and kept the “tranny’.

    Glad I’m out, war with China is coming and this faggoty dipshit is the new face of my beloved Army. That is why war is coming.

  9. @Rich

    In addition to my post above, remember that in December 1944, a German army struck the Ardennes, the forest region of Belgium, used many tanks, were successful for a while, and got into open land west of Bastogne. What drove them back was the strength of US and British units, including Patton’s 3rd Army, which had 13 armored divisions.

    IMO, armored forces are still useful in most any conflict.

  10. @Tim Buktu

    I always appreciate your comments as well.

    Re: military strategy and long-term planning, I have particular training or insight in this area and as such I have no opinion on Gen. Berger’s opinion. What I do like is the fact that instead of focusing on pronouns and white rage, he admits spending much of his waking hours planning for a war that he hopes will not come but if it does, he will be ready. He sees China as the threat that they are. He puts in the hours, knows his troops and equipment, and thinks outside the box to give his men (and our nation) the best chance for victory on the battlefield. He is a warfighter, these are the guys we want and need to lead our military.

  11. @Rich

    Yes, he seems to have some good old fighting spirit. Unlike those fatheads Milly and the Sec. of Defense.

    I don’t really have the expertise to rant about military affairs either, I’m just a nerd who reads military history. But being free, so far, we can all rant about them.

    Tim B.

  12. There were fat women in the Navy back when my son enlisted in the 90s.

    Seems there were some “more equal” than others.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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