Be More Like Animal House – IOTW Report

Be More Like Animal House


A recent survey of current Dartmouth students has found that nearly half of the self identified Democrats “would be uncomfortable with a conservative roommate,” while Independents and Republicans don’t share the same aversion to their political opposites.


Wasn’t Dartmouth the basis for the movie “Animal House?”

Did the members of Delta Tau Chi ever care about a frat brother’s political leanings? No!

Did any of them whine about being put on double secret probation? No!

When liberals want to discriminate based solely on political leanings its time to reintroduce them to joys of being “fat, drunk and stupid” and inclusive of all party goers.


4 Comments on Be More Like Animal House

  1. ‘7 years of college down the drain’
    ‘my mom’s gonna kill me’
    ‘the negro’s stole our dates!’
    ‘my advise to you is to start drinking heavily’ .. ‘listen to him .. he’s in pre-med’
    ‘see if you can guess what I am now? … I’m a zit! get it?’
    ‘you fucked up! … you trusted us’
    ‘just mention modern art, civil rights or folk music & your in like Flint’
    ‘… when I graduate I’m gonna get drunk every night’
    ‘thank you sir, may I have another?’
    ‘greg … is it supposed to be this soft?’

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