Beards Amplify Expression of Anger – IOTW Report

Beards Amplify Expression of Anger

An Australian researcher has found that people perceive a man’s anger faster if he is bearded. “The team’s results, in a recently published paper in Psychological Science, suggests that a beard changed the way a man’s facial structure is seen and help people make a judgement [SIC] about a man’s anger and masculinity.” More

17 Comments on Beards Amplify Expression of Anger

  1. University researchers have also found that university researchers are uninteresting, however, when they cash their enormous government grant checks and are buying drinks, they become popular and even the bearded ones seem less menacing. Also, even after buying drinks, university researchers end up going home alone. Because.

  2. It has to be the right kind of beard. You grow a Gavin Mcinnes beard and no one will take you seriously.

    The best beard for a guy is the Wolverine beard. I love mine. No one can maintain eye contact with me. Plus, the longer you grow it out, the more evil you look.

    Just… you know…. try not to scare the kidz.

  3. You can easily see when big Moochie is in a rage, she cocks her leg and scent marks every nearby object and rapidly scratches the ground with her legs sending up rooster tails of sod behind.

  4. Charlie Crist, our former RINO Governor and the ultimate flip flopped senatorial candidate (T to I to D) now in s congressional seat after his failed attempt to be John Morgan’s Senator, conveniently dropped his beard wife he acquired a few years ago. I don’t remember if she was his ticket to the Senate or whether it was to get him in good with McCain as a possible VEEP candidate.


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