Because of the Leftwing Media We’re All in the Movie Groundhog Day – Mark Dice – IOTW Report

Because of the Leftwing Media We’re All in the Movie Groundhog Day – Mark Dice

The alarm clock goes off and what do we hear? No, not “I’ve Got You Babe” by Sonny and Cher. Our version of Groundhog Day finds us listening to that leftwing golden oldie, “Russian Collusion.”

Unlike the Bill Murray movie we occasionally get a break and hear the other classic, “Trump’s a Racist.”

It’s been 649 days and it won’t let up.

Here’s Mark Dice with his always entertaining commentary–>



7 Comments on Because of the Leftwing Media We’re All in the Movie Groundhog Day – Mark Dice

  1. I can’t listen to this crap anymore, I’m sick of the same old constant lie after lie about President Trump since the election nearly 2 years ago. My middle finger is up and I’m yelling eff you at my computer, give it up most of us don’t believe your bullshit anymore. This is why I have turned off talk radio for the past 2 or 3 months or so, I’m mad as hell and I can’t take it anymore. It also helps my sanity since I don’t have to listen to all the nagging nabobs of negativism and their constant barrage of lies about President Trump (and us the deplorables) and how much he hates America because he won the election and they didn’t. Boo fucking hoo, I am one pissed off American citizen who is sick of their crap and their constant never ending hatred of all that’s good about this country which is still the greatest place on earth to live. Rant over!

  2. Or was it nattering nabobs of negativism, thank you former VP Spiro Agnew under Nixon for that phrase. I had a Mad poster of Spiro as a spirochete with his face superimposed on a long tailed body of a spirochete which said “We’re being infected by a Spirochete” posted along with other Mad posters on the side windows of my 55 Chevy station wagon when I was a junior and senior in HS back in 1970-71. If I did that now I would get my ass kicked by some Trump hater and all the windows broken out as well. I loved the early 70’s when you could still freely exercise your political opinions and not worry about pissing everyone off, it did but most people including my dad thought it was funny.

  3. Now follow the insider corruption of a Lanny Davis (Hillary’s Democratic lawyer) Cohen the sleazy lawyer and Mueller, the “Cleaner.” This was set up knowing few would reason through the legal maneuverings and technicalities, or bother to follow details of a non crime, crime story.

    Seith Koffler & Mark Levin walk us through the political corruption of our court system.

    There were 68 years of prison facing Cohen, but Mueller only cares about discrediting the President. Cohen flips and makes a statement incriminating the President and suddenly Cohen only faces 36 to 43 months. The American justice system is a joke.

    All we have is Cohen’s word that a crime even exists and Cohen’s word changes faster than most people change their underwear & as opportunities present themselves & his own crimes continue to surface.

    I’d say there would have to be plenty of reasonable doubt in any jury’s mind as to whether an actual crime has even been demonstrated to exist. Remember there is only the word of Cohen and the scheme of Lanny Davis and Mueller to let him off of a 68 year sentence. I feel dirty just mentioning their names.

    If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit. If the crime doesn’t exist, you must be delusional. America sees it all & for what it is & for what you are Mr. Mueller, Lanny Davis, the Democratic Party and the main stream media that plays it for them. The people aren’t quite as stupid as they seem to think.


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