Behold! The Dumbest Max Boot Tweet EVER!!!! That is a HIGH BAR! – IOTW Report

Behold! The Dumbest Max Boot Tweet EVER!!!! That is a HIGH BAR!

23 Comments on Behold! The Dumbest Max Boot Tweet EVER!!!! That is a HIGH BAR!

  1. Poor stupid Communist Bastard,

    He got the word “Democracies” confused with “Tyrannies” but what else would you expect from a Fuck born in Moscow & un-educated at Berkeley.

    At least he got the first sentence correct.

  2. Anybody else think we’re gonna screw this up somehow with Dominion’s help?

    Do you really think they are going to willingly give up power?

    Sadly I think our “glory” days are as likely as Fedderwoman having Dr. Pimple Popper remove that lu!p on his neck. 😁😎

  3. I didn’t know people who vowed to execute the households of the anointed enemies of the people, were allowed on the ballot? Neither home nor abroad.

    Those who swear allegiance to The Current Regime, before being placed on the ballot, are avowed enemies of the people. Which makes those that swear allegiance to The Current Regime, to vote for those that swear allegiance to The Current Regime, what? Max?

  4. You people are all idiots. Don’t you see that he/her has the Ukraine flag in his/her bio? Don’t you know that makes him/her a super genius? You effing troglodytes…

  5. The idiot my have a point since we’re a constitutional republic and NOT a democracy. As a conservative I do NOT want to live under a system in which two wolves and a sheep vote on what to have for dinner.

  6. Midterms will tell. Then, if the communists don’t steal enough to retain the majority we get to find out whether the RINOs are still completely dominant. If they are we lose anyway so the communists have a two of three chance of winning at best.

  7. Yeah, when people participate in democratic process to elect politicians and officials to public office, then democracy dies.
    But when they stop the count at midnight, dump boxes of printed ballots all voting for one name, that’s “democracy” according to this clown and his employer the Washington Post, which is nothing but a cesspool of communists and partisan hacks pretending to be journalists.

  8. If we pull it off, I expect only that the pace of the communist takeover will slow. The overwhelming majority that hold public office are in it only for themselves. At election time they get vocal, telling the voters what polling tells them we want to hear. Once elected or reelected, they go back to feathering their nests.

    We might just have a chance if McConnell and McCarthy can be kept out of leadership positions but the lineup behind those two of the bought and paid for, the compromised, the blackmailed, is long and vast. True patriots in both houses can be counted on one hand.

    While I’m wallowing around in what I consider to be the truth, I don’t see Trump being allowed back into the presidency. Too many of the political class don’t for even one second want him back. You want bipartisanship? That sentiment is bipartisanship on a level previously unseen by mankind.

    If you think I’ve given up hope though you’d be wrong.

    Here’s a question I’ve sought the answer to for many, many decades. Why is it that some nations can elect a new leader in 3 to 4 months, other at nearly the snap of a finger but here it’s a 24 month process? It reads like a textbook case for corruption.


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