Belgian Doctors Are Euthanizing Patients Without Their Consent – IOTW Report

Belgian Doctors Are Euthanizing Patients Without Their Consent



A study published this month in the Journal of Medical Ethics examined the “deliberate” euthanasia of patients in Belgium without their explicit, voluntary consent as required by law.

The study’s author, Raphael Cohen-Almagor, a professor of philosophy and ethics at the United Kingdom’s Hull University, found that life-ending drugs were used “with the intention to shorten life and without explicit request” in 1.7 percent of all deaths in Belgium in 2013.

In 52.7 percent of these cases, the patients were 80 years of age or older. The decision to euthanize was not discussed with the patient in 77.9 percent of the cases because he/she was comatose, had dementia, or “because discussion would have been harmful to the patient’s best interest,” according to the study.


21 Comments on Belgian Doctors Are Euthanizing Patients Without Their Consent

  1. “because discussion would have been harmful to the patient’s best interest” Once our leaders pick their jaws up off the floor, they’re going to figure out a way to co-opt the hell out of this sublime example of 1984 newspeak

  2. However, murdering them was certainly in their best interest. Some in this country, including the esteemed Supreme Court nut cases, have had the best interests of human babies at heart for the last 50 years and 50+ million of them have been spared the pitfalls of life!

    But in the defense of the ‘First Do No Harm’ medicos none of the babies, were at the time of their death, able to speak, complain or refuse the prescribed treatment!

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