Ben Shapiro At It Again – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro At It Again

Gateway Pundit’s Lucian Wintrich was being harassed and kept from speaking at a UConn event. (The speech was titled “It Is OK To Be White.”) While he wasn’t looking, a wormy lefty hag reached under a computer monitor and stole his notes. As she tried to slither away, Wintrich ran after her and horse collared her in an effort to retrieve the stolen property.

Ben disapproves.

Whether you think the reaction was “NUTS” or not, this cartoon posted on Twitter sums up the Shapiro experience rather succinctly-

Gavin called out Shapiro-

OK Ben, I think that’s enough punching right for one day. Go to bed.

And it got worse from there.

I guess when you defend Michelle Fields and “her assault” by Lewandowski, the Wintrich reaction must look like a beheading to Ben.

Oh, and my choice of picture for the post thumbnail is a bit over the top. He’s not a black rat. He just acts like one sometimes.

Again, I think Shapiro is a great debater. He has a quick mind, and he does great work for the cause of the right, most of the time.

It’s very, very hard to be a total supporter because he has a habit of playing hall monitor and jumping into a story, unnecessarily, in order to admonish our side. If I thought it was just him being fair I’d cut him a break, but it seems more like he has a bitchy, catty and petty side and seizes opportunities like this one.

Ben is not a fan of The Gateway Pundit.

Lucian was arrested.

32 Comments on Ben Shapiro At It Again

  1. Considering the violence that conservative speakers are subjected to, this might be an opportunity to put censorship by the left on trial. I bet they realize this and this case never goes to court..

  2. He grabbed her and took his property back. In the old days you weren’t allowed to take what didn’t belong to you. That’s why I have to avoid many people, you start stealing my stuff and I’m old school and will knock the shit out of you.

  3. I would like to kick that never Trumper Ben in the NUTS ; If he has any.
    He and the other never Trumper’s do more harm then good.
    Wintrich should have stomped her. The cop behind him saw it all happen.
    Enough of the snow flakes running the show , the only way we can win is to show them we will not be screwed with.
    She needs to be charged with theft , and she will be , just like the gal that stole the MAGA hat.

  4. Why go out of your way to make the case that grabbing a lefty thief, who is trying their best to disrupt right-wing speech, is NUTS and WRONG!!??

    Just let the people who are angrier and ballsier than you do their thing and stay out of it.

    We don’t always need to hear from Lord Shapiro. You’re constantly trying to wrestle away the narrative and get the winds blowing against the right.

  5. So Ben is a gifted orator & articulates conservative ideals. Bravo 👏.

    I despise left wing elitists & their pompous attitudes who think it’s within their purview to chastise anyone who disagrees w them. That this pipsqueak deems himself so superior, he feels the necessity to chime in every time he disapproves of someone on the right, is no different.

    You just know he got the snot beat out of him on a daily basis.

  6. Lucian ain’t no Milo. And his mysterious and charmed career isn’t because he’s a gifted and talented writer.

    Having read his sporadic and badly-written pieces at GP, I’m fairly certain he would be completely incapable of giving a talk of any length without notes — preferably written by someone else.

    So while Ben might be fine if someone stole his notes, Lucian would be paralyzed.

  7. Dianne,

    You are sounding like the Right Scoop and missing the Fing point. Who’s a bigger fag Ben or Lucian? I’ll call it a draw. I’m kind of surprised some conservatives are just fine with what took place here.

  8. Ben is evil. Ben is stupid. Ben is is articulate and yet a #NeverTrump “thinker” whose brain has been pollutedby the need to put down not only President Trump whenever he can but most any supporter of President Trump. And: Ben will *not* stop attacking those people. Ben needs some punching right…into his head.

  9. If you’re bothered by or disagree with my comment above, please ask yourself: If I don’t want an Nat’l Rev/Wkly Std type like Bill Kristol under my “Trump tent,” why would I want a smaller-but-louder version like Shapiro? These people are poison to Trump/his movement, as much as the GOPe in the House and Senate are.

  10. Simmer down, bad brad
    My point is Lucian is probably dead in the water without his script. Ben doesn’t think taking a speech is a big deal because he is a master at extemporaneous speaking. But for Lucian who’s barely mastered the written word, not so much. That twat taking his speech effectively silenced him. Ben doesn’t get that because he could just continue without missing a beat.

    I wasn’t siding with that stupid twat who stole his speech. So simmer down, honey.

    And if you do, I won’t tell you to screw yourself sideways for saying I’m like the Right Scoop. I know you tend to lash out when you get offended.

  11. I think these Lefty disruptors should be stomped on by every person they disrupt. Maybe they would learn to knock it the hell off.

    Until the Right actually starts fighting back, this kind of crap will continue.

  12. “ran after her and horse collared her”

    appropriate response when chasing a horse.

    what’s ben’s problem ?
    I don’t know what his criticism is all about.
    but I bet it has something to do with the fact that he would never have the balls to reclaim his property himself, he would have to get someone bigger or armed to do it for him.

    some tiny guys are like that.

  13. Prosecute the thief….

    Lucian will walk get off…..

    Then depending on whether the police saw the video prior to Lucian’s arrest……sue the police, the arresting officer, and the university (for lack of security).

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