Ben Shapiro Goes On MSNBC To Scold the “Alt Right” and Gets Sugar Cubes and Pats on the Head From the Left – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro Goes On MSNBC To Scold the “Alt Right” and Gets Sugar Cubes and Pats on the Head From the Left

Fresh off of Laura Loomer’s appearance on Hannity last night, where she rebutted Ben Shapiro’s scolding, Shapiro needed to find a venue, STAT, as he bled from his ears, or whatever. So he ran to MSNBC.

Ben Shapiro’s segment begins with Joe Scarborough saying, “these people on the alt-right have hijacked some of the worst traits of the far left and what they did with this play, Ben, talk about it.”

Did Ben say, “well, stop right there Joe. I wouldn’t characterize what Laura Loomer did as even remotely close to the worst traits of the far left. After all, she didn’t burn anything down, or smash a skull with a bike lock, or light a girl’s hair on fire, or attack anyone as they filed into the theater, so let’s get that straight first”?

No, Ben looked down and exhaled out his nose and ever-so-gently shook his head as if to say, “ain’t that the truth, comrade.”

I could end this post right here and ask if Ben is as smart as he thinks he is or is he just a crap weasel?

After Ben’s intro they cut to Never Trump Charlie Sykes who says, “you have the dumb extremism there. My advice is, people, you need to read a damn book once in awhile, it’s William Shakespeare.”

Shapiro cracks his punchable smile and gently nods in agreement.

(William Shakespeare wrote a scene where minorities stab Donald Trump to death??? I missed that part.)

Ben then says that all of these people “are making bank” on this, meaning they are just stunts to get rich on, and he wasn’t talking about the Shakespeare troupe, he was talking about, I presume, Laura Loomer, the lone person that any of them could point to during this epidemic of “the right adopting left-wing tactics.”

Loomer interrupts the play to highlight that it is the left that is fomenting violent imagery and the norming and numbing of violence toward the right and Ben joins the MSNBC Algonquim Table of nabobs as they hand-wring over what can be done to quell this right-wing theater insurrection.

Shapiro says it’s an attempt to appeal to frustration and extremism because of the profit motive, but in truth we should be asking people, “maybe your anger is just not that justified.” He says if there is a play on that you don’t like you have other options, as if Loomer’s frustrations began with this play.

In closing, the left had the nerve to lecture that you must be tolerant of speech you don’t like. The fact that Shapiro didn’t fall off his chair in response to a leftist saying this speaks more about Shapiro’s appeasement spirit than it would if he was being sodomized while holding an arrow pointing to his own anus. This lack of fight when it counts is exactly what compelled Loomer to march on that stage.

Here is an essay written by Ben Shapiro where he says,

“Violence only becomes acceptable in the minds of most people if they are the victims. And not just victims — ultimate victims. They must have no other option. That means that playing up the threat of a Trumpocalypse means heightening the likelihood of violence. And we have indeed seen isolated incidents of anti-Trump violence around the country, dating all the way back to the campaign, when the media simply ignored Black Lives Matter movement attempts to shut down Trump campaign events.

Once we have reached the point where overt tearing of the social fabric is seen by half the country as morally decent, there is no more social fabric to tear. Civilization is actually on the ropes.”

I’m not as smart as you, Ben, no one is, but this is what Laura Loomer was saying to the actors who were stabbing Trump to death for a salivating New York crowd.

I guess she could have been patient and waited until your paid essays and your paid appearances and paid lectures started to do their job, but it seems you’re an ineffectual messenger.

Loomer, in 45 seconds, achieved more than you have in years. My evidence? When has MSNBC invited you onto their set to talk about political violence? Of course, you had your chance to reiterate that the only coordinated political violence right now is coming from the left, but you blew it. That’s all part of being ineffectual.

Go sell some tickets to your next lecture.



28 Comments on Ben Shapiro Goes On MSNBC To Scold the “Alt Right” and Gets Sugar Cubes and Pats on the Head From the Left

  1. Ben wants to be the head of the neo-Neocons, but nobody wants any part of it. The same is true for Rebel media.

    Their Faux-Right is something no real person wants anything to do with.

  2. What Ben may not realize is that the lines have already been drawn. Whether or not he chooses to be on the side of the Constitutional Republic was his choice just like everyone else.

    I choose to be on the side that has the guns, but the restraint to use them when it is ultimately needed to refresh the tree of liberty.

    Ben, apparently, is choosing political correctness.

  3. Ben always needs hugs, and he’ll take them from anyone that offers. If you watch his eyes, there’s time you can clearly see some deep running insecurities. But really would anybody here have picked Ben to be on their dodge ball team? Me neither.

  4. Look at him sitting there with the big people at the big table, talking maniacally fast, bobbing his head and thinking, “I’m a good boy! See?” Yep, ring the anti-Trump dinner bell and Shapiro comes a runnin’ with his bib and spoon and that nasal helium-soaked voice.

    He doesn’t have to defend WHAT Loomer did, but should have been honest about WHY she did it.
    It just dawned on me who Shapiro reminds me of. Glenn Beck.
    Being Anti-Trump is the only reason they both get out of bed in the morning. And the second they get on LSM, they’re more cordial to the left than they are about the right. Well, you know, his right. The RIGHT right. Not us in the uncouth, non-PC right. He’s calling others attention whores? That’s hilarious. He’s on TV saying that. And let me know when Benny starts offering free speaking tours. LOL!

  5. This is the boy bimbo, when whose name I can’t remember, I call little pipsqueak.

    He’s got college age libertarian bent kids buffaloed. Had me for a very short time until he showed his colors.

  6. It’s nice to be well off enough not to have the anger we proletariat display on this site.
    Our anger is fake, by the way, or misplaced. And we should wait for snotty, self-assured, righteous lecturers win the day.

  7. Ha. Yeah, let’s see Shapiro try to preach his way out of an Antifa riot.
    “Hey! Listen to me! I am speaking! Stop that! If you yell and scream, you can’t hear my brilliance. You NEED to hear me! Fellas? Oh shit. Here come the trannies… I’m atta here!”

  8. Shapiro makes some good points. However, I don’t understand how he can dismiss Milo as someone who gets his point against people by making ad hominem attacks, then proceeds to go after Trump using ad hominem attacks.

  9. “But he’s (Trump) right that the media constantly pooh-pooh violence on the left but somehow raise their hackles at Trump supporters.” – Ben Shapiro

    Uhhh, wasn’t Ben just on a lefty show raising hackles at a Trump supporter who, in effect, booed a play depicting the stabbing murder of our president while equating it to the “worst tactics of the far left”?

    The thing is, I think Shapiro is very good at what he does. But what he does is completely ineffectual, and then he compounds this ineffectualness by mitigating leftist violence by likening it to Laura Loomer wagging a finger at actors and their horrible act.

  10. It was Michelle Fields, his colleague, not his wife.
    He quit because Breitbart wouldn’t back her claims, which turned out to be completely false.
    Shapiro used this as cover to leave a site that was backing Trump.
    Crap Weasel comes to mind…

  11. It seems to me that the “Alt” right is an imaginary group of people (or Political ideology) invented by the left to attach to people they don’t like. Among the right it seems to me you see a whole lot of people who are really on the left, (referred to as “centrists” for reasons that defy logic.), and a smaller group who really believe in individualism and Freedom. The FAR left refer to this last group as “far” Right, since, from their extreme position of FAR left, they have to look a long way over to see anyone truly on the right.

  12. Drive Them Out.
    Everafter digifilter Been Ben Who
    code >pipe out
    Old Books. New Books. Roman, Greek, Shakespearean and Mozartean Volumes.
    The Song remains the same.
    The Future is in Your Hands.
    This Time.

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