Either he’s a shill or now he realizes that others think he’s 5’5″ also.
They added his ego as height.
Paul Ryan lied about his marathon times and how many 14’ers he climbed – just part of what ‘con’servative Inc does to boost their pathetic selves up.
Ben’s not only 5’9” but he’s also the smartest guy in the room. Just ask him!
5′ 9″ guys and chihuahuas. Gotta be careful not to accidentally hurt them or get nipped by `em when you’re not looking.
There’s a reason Shapiro doesn’t get get kicked off fakebook and twatter.
If anyone thinks Paul Ryan is a ‘conservative,’ they’re fooking idiot.
I have to support Ben Shapiro here, and I’m not talking about propping him up on stage.
Nobody agrees with everything another person says, but In my view he is a fighter for conservatism. If I am wrong, what has Shapiro said that makes his voice so unwanted? He is very smart, quick and articulates extremely well, IMO.
Ben’s fine. He’s not trying out for the NBA so it’s a bit odd anyone cares how tall he is.
I too do not know what Shapiro has said or done in the past to make him such a persona non grata.
I receive his (Daily Wire) daily e-mail update and all that I see and read is spot-on. He’s got a pretty good line-up of contributing commentators – Candace Owens, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh…and others.
What did he do to draw the ire of conservatives?
I think he drew the ire when he was very against Trump early on. But that’s OK, many who were came around, and in a big way. Greg Gutfeld, Dennis Prager, Mark Levin…
My only complaint about Ben is that he needs to talk a little slower and a little lower on his radio show.
Shapiro is owned by zuckerber. ‘Nuff said.
Irony has it right, he still does not support Trump 100%.
They all want their guy,not Trump.
We need them but,I will never trust them again.
Prager was the only one who went all in once Trump was our guy.
I think Shapiro has a brilliant mind, but he was largely wrong about Trump, and he was very smug about it at the time.
Shapiro reminds me a bit of Ann Coulter. Strong streak of grifter.
5’9”?? I didn’t know they stacked shot that high!
Either he’s a shill or now he realizes that others think he’s 5’5″ also.
They added his ego as height.
Paul Ryan lied about his marathon times and how many 14’ers he climbed – just part of what ‘con’servative Inc does to boost their pathetic selves up.
Ben’s not only 5’9” but he’s also the smartest guy in the room. Just ask him!
5′ 9″ guys and chihuahuas. Gotta be careful not to accidentally hurt them or get nipped by `em when you’re not looking.
There’s a reason Shapiro doesn’t get get kicked off fakebook and twatter.
If anyone thinks Paul Ryan is a ‘conservative,’ they’re fooking idiot.
I have to support Ben Shapiro here, and I’m not talking about propping him up on stage.
Nobody agrees with everything another person says, but In my view he is a fighter for conservatism. If I am wrong, what has Shapiro said that makes his voice so unwanted? He is very smart, quick and articulates extremely well, IMO.
Ben’s fine. He’s not trying out for the NBA so it’s a bit odd anyone cares how tall he is.
I too do not know what Shapiro has said or done in the past to make him such a persona non grata.
I receive his (Daily Wire) daily e-mail update and all that I see and read is spot-on. He’s got a pretty good line-up of contributing commentators – Candace Owens, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh…and others.
What did he do to draw the ire of conservatives?
I think he drew the ire when he was very against Trump early on. But that’s OK, many who were came around, and in a big way. Greg Gutfeld, Dennis Prager, Mark Levin…
My only complaint about Ben is that he needs to talk a little slower and a little lower on his radio show.
Shapiro is owned by zuckerber. ‘Nuff said.
Irony has it right, he still does not support Trump 100%.
They all want their guy,not Trump.
We need them but,I will never trust them again.
Prager was the only one who went all in once Trump was our guy.
I think Shapiro has a brilliant mind, but he was largely wrong about Trump, and he was very smug about it at the time.
Shapiro reminds me a bit of Ann Coulter. Strong streak of grifter.