Benghazi Report Points Finger of Blame Squarely At Hillary and Obama – IOTW Report

Benghazi Report Points Finger of Blame Squarely At Hillary and Obama

The 800 page preliminary report from the House Select Committee on Benghazi is out today and provides a scathing review of the performance of Hillary Clinton’s State Department and the Obama Administration in general.

The report questions the behavior of military assets during the assault, reveals the attempt to paper over the tragedy for public consumption mere months before an election, and the failures of the administration to take corrective actions after the attack.   More

 The Full Report


13 Comments on Benghazi Report Points Finger of Blame Squarely At Hillary and Obama

  1. The timing of the release of this report is a Republican sham! They’re trying to damage my choice of candidate right before the DNC convention! HOW DARE THEY!


  2. did we ever hear what exactly obama and clinton were doing during the attack, where they were and what actions they took directly to support our people?

    any one? crickets?

    I don’t ever remember being informed on these details have you?

    I know GWB was reading to pre schoolers during the 9-11 attack, (that’s a different topic altogether.), but where was obama and clinton? what direct steps did they take?

  3. I’m so furious that tears of anger were welling up while reading the biographies of the heroes who sacrificed their lives while the miserable wretches in our Gov’t cared more about their political self-interests than in the safety of these men and then schemed to lie about it to the American people, with the duplicitous media in tow. AS for the four heroes I can only say:”May the rewards be great and their souls exalted in the Lord’s house as remembrances of their weighty sacrifices and the mighty battles waged against the evils of the world are recounted”.

  4. No one asks (or answers) “Why?”

    Why was it necessary to have Stevens assassinated?
    What had he discovered?
    Obola and Clinton doing NOTHING is the result, the aftermath, of the hit, not the cause.
    Yeah, I know … “No Smoking Gun” …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The event and everything that happened prior and after the Benghazi murders of two officials of the US government and the two hired American protection specialists was the fault of the Obama administration. Hillary is as slimy as cat puke, now prancing around saying “See they found nothing and ‘spent $7 million’ of tax payer money, over two years and neener-neener-neener.” ($$$ Solyndra – oh but with this we’re accounting??)

    Failure of all involved in the administration of the worst president in America’s history. If there was no wrong doing, why did the admin send out mouths to lie for three days afterward??

    I worked in force protection from its infancy thru the sell off to JSOC and then into civilian hands. I won’t say where I was based, we were centrally located in each, but we could be anywhere on the ground in that hemisphere in ten hours (and that was the farthest away). Always ready to respond, we had weapons and everything issued in a locker in our rooms. Any freaking where any freaking time even if we have to jump in. We were under the direct control of the theater commander, no permissions were necessary to be immediately launched. The commander had the time to contact higher up the chain once we were on the way.

    Seemingly the new military has trouble even finding who to call now a days?
    My eyes are bleeding I’m so effing angry!!!! WTF

  6. Liberals like Bush + Ryan still want to elect Clinton. American lives are
    worth less than PC “ideals” eg Common Core, open borders. So do as Bush says vote Clinton “Dump Trump”

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