Berkeley Commission Decides Violence By Antifa Was the Fault of Conservatives – IOTW Report

Berkeley Commission Decides Violence By Antifa Was the Fault of Conservatives

Wait’ll you get a load of this line of thinking by the left-wing intelligentsia. It’s along the same lines of blaming a woman for inciting her own rape because she gave the rapist an opportunity.

Here’s Berkeley talking about the violence that coincided with the appearances by Shapiro, Coulter and Milo.

“Although those speakers had every right to speak and were entitled to protection, they did not need to be on campus to exercise the right of free speech,” the commission declares, speculating that they were only invited “in order to advance a facile narrative that universities are not tolerant of conservative speech.”

This paragraph is astoundingly stupid.

It reminds one of this-

A “facile, weak sauce argument” is the notion that universities are not tolerant of conservative speakers. They are, they just don’t want them anywhere on the campus. Is that too much to ask?

Let the uppity conservatives exercise their free speech someplace where no one can hear them, where they won’t be a nuisance, where they won’t be beat up by the tolerant, but provoked, left.


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