Berkeley: Left Wing Rioters linked to NAMBLA – IOTW Report

Berkeley: Left Wing Rioters linked to NAMBLA

The left-wing activists behind the anti-conservative riots at Berkeley have ties to one of the nation’s most prominent pro-pedophilia organizations.

Link at the Bullpen

6 Comments on Berkeley: Left Wing Rioters linked to NAMBLA

  1. Distilled to fundamentals – it is Good vs Evil.

    Cut through the ideological claptrap, bullshit, nonsense, dissimulation, prevarication, red-herrings, and wild aquatic fowl – this is the battle.
    This is the division.

    A tremendous host of evil is arrayed against a minuscule core what is good and decent.
    And, unfortunately (really having nothing to do with luck, but what the hey), the war cannot be won by a single act of virtue, or the destruction of a ring, or a single election, or some other symbolism, but only by the awakening of the Spirit of God in the hearts of men and a long twilight rear-guard action of gigantic proportions.

    izlamo delenda est …

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