Berkeley Progressive Business Owners Anonymously Voice Concern For Lunatic Proposal of $19 Minimum Wage – IOTW Report

Berkeley Progressive Business Owners Anonymously Voice Concern For Lunatic Proposal of $19 Minimum Wage


While business owners who spoke with CBS said they support giving their workers higher wages, they also said boosting wages to $19 an hour would threaten the viability of their stores. They spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of appearing to place business interests ahead of workers.

But what happens in a city when the baseline wage suddenly surges more than 160 percent higher than the federal minimum hourly rate? It’s unclear, although Armstrong (CEO of Berkeley Chamber of Commerce) predicts the city’s small businesses “would be closing doors all over town.”


How do you turn progressive policy that has produced the dumbest of all generations into a success? Give idiots a good buck for sweeping floors. See? Success!

10 Comments on Berkeley Progressive Business Owners Anonymously Voice Concern For Lunatic Proposal of $19 Minimum Wage

  1. What’s hilarious about this, apart from the fact that the university has already refused to pay a higher minimum wage, is that the only consumer-oriented businesses that would survive are chain stores – which Berkeley has always opposed.
    On the other hand, perhaps by going full retard they will have the truth forced upon them by reality.

  2. Good grief! It took me 20 years of participation in the full-time labor market to achieve this wage, and now they want to pay it right from the start to these underqualified buffoons. GMAFB!

  3. Sad thing is if we rebased our entire currency over one decimal place by lopping off a zero, the wage would still be $9 per hour. It wasn’t until I graduated college to make that kind of change.

  4. Screw you Berkley, pay up and close
    Or go full capitalist, and on closing day as you hand out the last paychecks offer to hire them back on as independent contractors at a dollar less than they were making prior to the 19 dollar raise.

  5. Moving the decimal point is common practice in the Third World to re-value their currency when it’s finally sunk to somewhere between worthless and nuthin! Thinking with a Third World mentality will run us into the ground… Zactly whut the stair-prancing, flexible, ankle-grabbing, Gay-obsessed Øbamboozler wants for the United States!

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