‘Berners’ With Bullhorns Take Their Bernie War to the Homes of Opponents – IOTW Report

‘Berners’ With Bullhorns Take Their Bernie War to the Homes of Opponents

Legal Insurrection- Over the last month or so, momentum has shifted to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Other Democratic candidates, their surrogates, and some in the MSM have amplified their criticisms of the belligerent behavior of some of his more rabid supporters known as “Bernie Bros.”

The issue even came up during the Las Vegas debate a week ago. Here’s how Sanders respondedwhen asked about it by MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson:

SANDERS: We have over 10.6 million people on Twitter, and 99.9 percent of them are decent human beings, are working people, are people who believe in justice, compassion, and love. And if there are a few people who make ugly remarks, who attack trade union leaders, I disown those people. They are not part of our movement.

But let me also say what I hope my friends up here will agree with is that if you look at the wild west of the internet, talk to some of the African-American women on my campaign. Talk to Senator Nina Turner. Talk to others and find the vicious, racist, sexist attacks that are coming their way, as well.

So I would hope that all of us understand that we should do everything we possibly can to end the viciousness and ugliness on the internet. Our campaign is about issues. It’s about fighting for the working families and the middle class. It is not about vicious attacks on other people.

The problem with Sanders’ answer is that it’s a complete whitewash of how his more militant supporters act on his behalf. The issues do not just happen on Twitter and other social media platforms. It happens offline and in real life. On the streets – including at the homes of DNC officials. read more

12 Comments on ‘Berners’ With Bullhorns Take Their Bernie War to the Homes of Opponents

  1. Imagine what the bernouts and antifa would do to Sanders the second they realize he’s not giving them what they want.

    we can’t stand RINOs but we don’t run to their homes to torture them or shoot at them in public.

  2. “we can’t stand RINOs but we don’t run to their homes to torture them or shoot at them in public.”

    Agreed, MJA, but would it be out of line to crap on their graves if the opportunity arises?

  3. Hmmmmmmmmm, let’s see. Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but; ” She stated that she nor those involved with these incidents are not working in any official capacity for the Sanders campaign.” Is this a double negative? Nor should not be used without neither. So by my reading it is more like, “She stated that neither she nor those involved with these incidents are NOT working in any official capacity for the Sanders campaign.” Again, it is probably my reading that is fucked up, not her statement…… I need to stop reading.

    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  4. Am I to assume that nobody in that neighborhood left their homes to stop this nonsense? Not in my frikken neighborhood. I’d be out my door so fast the house would implode from the vacuum. I wouldn’t care who they were protesting or why. You will not disturb my peace without confrontation. Especially if you’re an outsider. Am I alone in my thinking?

  5. Were I to become a figure of some notoriety, I would install a water cannon on my house that I can control from a smart phone app.
    But I would have a way to introduce chemicals into the water that I might need for ‘Home Maintenance’
    Mainly Capsaicin oil, wasp pheromones, sewage, stuff like that.

  6. Yep. Do that in my neighborhood, even if I’m not the target, out would come the shotgun (birdshot). Maybe the 22 (aim low).
    Then borrow a neighbor’s hose to shoo away the rest and wash the blood out of the street.


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