Excellent job, BFH–It sure says a lot and it’s scary.
Perfect meme.
Nevah hadda job or a good idea!
Won’t work!
No grit!
Fulla shit!
Bernie Sanders.
Too abrasive for every day use.
Probably has a model for every one of the Bill Of Rights.
Hey guys, no need to fear the Bernie Sander, like it’s namesake, the sander never works.
Burns your butt, too.
When you open the package, you hear, “People will die”.
It’s pneumatic powered, so it needs a bunch of hot air to be effective.
Just the sight of him is abrasive!
He “randomly orbits” when asked about his policies.
Don’t need no stinkin’ Liberty…
Runs on 2 windmills. On someone else’s property.
I’m hoping the guy just croaks between now and the Dem. Convention and maybe take all his Millennial supporters with him.
He epitomizes what’s wrong in this country like no other – and he tilts the dirty ugly-o-meter off the scale.
MJA, and kills dozens of innocent birds in the process. Oh the humanity!
Bernie Sanders does have the perfect initials to describe the stuff he advocates.
BS was on FNC last evening spewing, well BS, I don’t recall which show I didn’t watch long enough to remember, couldn’t stand to listen to more than 60 seconds of it, and half of that time was a guy asking an ok question, and “what would BS do” about it?
Just when it looks like it might be getting to operating speed, it trips the breaker…
Excellent job, BFH–It sure says a lot and it’s scary.
Perfect meme.
Nevah hadda job or a good idea!
Won’t work!
No grit!
Fulla shit!
Bernie Sanders.
Too abrasive for every day use.
Probably has a model for every one of the Bill Of Rights.
Hey guys, no need to fear the Bernie Sander, like it’s namesake, the sander never works.
Burns your butt, too.
When you open the package, you hear, “People will die”.
It’s pneumatic powered, so it needs a bunch of hot air to be effective.
Just the sight of him is abrasive!
He “randomly orbits” when asked about his policies.
Don’t need no stinkin’ Liberty…
Runs on 2 windmills. On someone else’s property.
I’m hoping the guy just croaks between now and the Dem. Convention and maybe take all his Millennial supporters with him.
He epitomizes what’s wrong in this country like no other – and he tilts the dirty ugly-o-meter off the scale.
MJA, and kills dozens of innocent birds in the process. Oh the humanity!
Bernie Sanders does have the perfect initials to describe the stuff he advocates.
BS was on FNC last evening spewing, well BS, I don’t recall which show I didn’t watch long enough to remember, couldn’t stand to listen to more than 60 seconds of it, and half of that time was a guy asking an ok question, and “what would BS do” about it?
Just when it looks like it might be getting to operating speed, it trips the breaker…