Bernie joins the Obama speaking-fee pile on – IOTW Report

Bernie joins the Obama speaking-fee pile on

CFP: I’m not sure why this took so long.  Maybe the young, fresh, face of the Democrat Party, Bernie Sanders, is getting slow in his old age.  Whatever the reason, the old socialist coot of the Senate dawdled while Elizabeth Warren was letting everyone know how ‘troubled’ she was.  She was vexed, obviously, by former President Barack Obama’s decision to accept a whopping $400,000.00 for one Wall Street speech.

Bernie, as you’re no doubt aware, is not a one-percenter.  That may or may not be because he has an odd habit of putting things in his wife’s name. Nobody seems to be entirely sure.  We do know that one of his three homes is a nice beach house in Vermont, and he likes to remind everyone how broke he is.


8 Comments on Bernie joins the Obama speaking-fee pile on

  1. These people are democrats. They know damn well that six figure speaking fees are just laundered bribes, even after the fact. This is why Obama did do have the fucked up shit they wanted him to and thought he was capable of. Now, he’s gonna collect “speaking fees” as he convinces the banker class that only he can keep the negro mobs under control. He’s bullshitting them, of course, but they’re too insular and ignorant to know better.

  2. He would have chimed in sooner but he was at his new $300,000 waterfront vacation home pondering a strategy to handle the investigation into his wife’s bankrupting a college she ran. 🙄

  3. @Jerry Manderin

    They are not ‘feigning’ outrage, they are pissed that their speaking fees aren’t that high, or even close to the laundering money schemes’ first place winners….. The Clinton Family mafia.

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