Bernie Planning Speech to Define Democratic Socialism – IOTW Report

Bernie Planning Speech to Define Democratic Socialism

Realizing that most people in the country don’t like Socialism, Bernie Sanders (VT-I) is reportedly contemplating making a big speech to let us in on the secret wonderfulness of his ideology.






12 Comments on Bernie Planning Speech to Define Democratic Socialism

  1. He might also do well to inform everyone that what he doesn’t tax of yours at a 90+ rate he will gleefully seize. That includes all of your assets, property and wealth! Yep, the Mad Hatter does love his socialist programs! They have been tried and tested over and over again by people much more cruel, resourceful and evil than he is! If he wasn’t so old he could probably catch up with them otherwise he will have to leave some of the fun to a future Hillary!!

  2. Socialism is death… A miserable death like a plastic bag on head with hands bound behind back only because it is cheaper than a bullet.

    America’s death will be a slow death. Only 3% will fight and die on their feet.

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