Bernie Sanders – Child Rapists and Murderers Should Be Able To Vote From Prison – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders – Child Rapists and Murderers Should Be Able To Vote From Prison

24 Comments on Bernie Sanders – Child Rapists and Murderers Should Be Able To Vote From Prison

  1. This is no surprise coming from the Democrat Crime Family which is comprised almost entirely of child rapists and baby murderers. Bernie just wants his friends, coworkers and family legally able to vote for him…..

    multiple times.

    What’s wrong with that? 😉

  2. There was a time when that kind of talk would have lost your party power (elected seats held) across the country Federally, State and local.

    The fight for the soul of the Republic is not over- not by a long shot.

  3. Every good demonrat knows that child rapists and baby murderers are not immoral. Afterall, that is just a judgement call, and whose morals are we judging them by?

    Atheist Socialist Dems like Bernie know that only Republicans and Christians can be immoral. Afterall amoral Atheists like him can’t be immoral because they don’t have any moral code to live by.

    Once you realize that, then you’ll realize that all Atheist Socialist Dems are criminals and abet other criminals.

  4. To review:
    -Abolished the death penalty
    -More protection for the Civil rights of prisoners than of civilians
    -Three hots and a cot, free gym, free law library, porn movies, free vocational ed
    -No expectation to compensate victims of their crimes
    -Very rare to serve full sentence, lavish parole ops
    -Good chance for undeserved early release due to overcrowding
    -No loss of voting rights (?!) or ability to run for office later

    Essentially ALL DISINCENTIVES to be a criminal have been eliminated.

    Another reason why all the criminals in public office are so fearless.

  5. Yeah, criminals in government are just making sure that should they ever be sent to the grey bar motel, it won’t be much different from their current life.

    About 99% of Demonrats run for elected federal office just to stay out of prison. Don’t believe me? Just ask Hellary.


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