Bernie Sanders to Campaign Against Debbie Wasserman Schultz – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders to Campaign Against Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Observer: In an interview with USA Today, Bernie Sanders announced plans for the Sanders Institute and other educational and political organizations to continue the revolution his campaign spawned.

Sanders will also be campaigning for at least 100 progressives around the country—including democrat Tim Canova, Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s primary congressional challenger.


Shortly into the presidential primaries, Wasserman Schultz emerged as an icon of the Democratic Establishment‘s favoritism for Hillary Clinton. Wasserman Schultz, current DNC chair and Clinton’s 2008 campaign co-chair, has been criticized for developing a limited debate schedule to shield Clinton from exposure. Documents leaked by hacker Guccifer 2.0 reveal the DNC named Clinton their presidential nominee nearly a year before the Iowa caucuses even began. In May 2016, MSNBC host Chris Hayes said Wasserman Schultz “vastly prefers Hillary Clinton to be the nominee—obviously—and to the extent that there are things that can be done institutionally and marginally to facilitate that outcome, they are being done.”  more

9 Comments on Bernie Sanders to Campaign Against Debbie Wasserman Schultz

  1. Mr. Burns : “Exxxxx-cel-lent, Smithers.”

    I’m hoping Crazy Bernie makes LOTS of trouble for the Dems.
    With extra popcorn.

    And I’m hoping his clueless Millenial snowflakes stay home in November, butt-hurt and betrayed and sulking on Mommy’s couch.
    Typing their angry-sad little hearts out on
    Twitter, but too ‘pure’ to stoop to voting for Hillary.
    Watch for a surge in the polls for the Green and Lib third parties.
    And by October, hashtags like #WriteInBernie.

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