Beside these kids being awesome, why does Joe the Molester have his hand on that young girls waist? – IOTW Report

Beside these kids being awesome, why does Joe the Molester have his hand on that young girls waist?

33 Comments on Beside these kids being awesome, why does Joe the Molester have his hand on that young girls waist?

  1. The kids are all thinking “What a maroon!”
    The perv was so focused on copping a feel he didn’t take time to read their hats and shirts. Either that or he is past being able to read.

  2. Is this for real? Seems unlikely. I’m gonna have to pull out the bullshit flag on this one. Biden wading into a group of MAGA kids?

    Either this never happened or Biden is dumber than i thought. Which is possible.

  3. After revisiting the photos, perhaps it’s true. Maybe Biden did show up in shanksville yesterday and is so unaware that he didn’t see the kids wearing trump paraphernalia around him.

    Sadly, i trust nothing I hear or see anymore.

  4. The country has “elected” the lowest form of political life possible.

    I’m so disturbed about what we’re facing, the undying depressing news that I am taking time off for my mental health.

    Goodbye America.

  5. Just like his son, he thinks he can take whatever he wants. It’s the Dem/pedo way.
    If you aren’t part of the self appointed Royalty, you are sheep.
    Just like Christian women to Muslims.
    That now have $85B in new toys.

  6. Calling BS on this. 🤬

    First of all what parent who is likely a Trump supporter, (sans the kids wearing Trump gear) allow their kids anywhere near this sicko? 🤔

    Like they are all happy to see him, NOT

    This photo is a fraud just like the 81 mil votes he supposedly received, yeah my ass.

  7. Agree with all skeptics. Too perfect, and this is how they discredit all the actual pervy nuzzle/grope pics. This is what the Snopers and the fack-checkers post to cast doubt on the real thing.

  8. Biden is doing what every pedophile does which is touch/molest children. Several months ago his own adult daughter Ashley has accused him of molestation when she was a young child which was covered up very quickly by msm. Biden is like the villainous child predator hiding behind a tree naked under his trenchcoat and twirling his mustache. In Biden’s case he’s got a talibiden kid under each arm.

  9. They need to put a shock collar on him so the Secret Service can keep him away from kids.
    He probably was so (puke, gag) excited about seeing children he didn’t notice the MAGA gear.

  10. Why does Pedo Joe have his hands on the young girl’s waist? Because the Secret Service was too close and Daddy didn’t have time to chop Joe’s hands off first.


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