Best Biden Impression – IOTW Report

Best Biden Impression

I’m giving you four to choose from in no particular order. Post any that you think should be considered funnier.

Kyle Dunnagan

Dana Carvey

Jim Carrey

and relative newcomer Ryan Goldsher

bonus, Frank Caliendo at the 2:20 mark

18 Comments on Best Biden Impression

  1. The best impression would be imitating Joseph Stolen stumbling around the local K-Mart parking lot babbling about taking long walks on the beach with the love of his life while dragging a stolen mannequin behind him, then breaking out into a singing tribute to The Villages commercials…

  2. The great impressions of President Trump are by people that love President Trump.
    It’s the imitation/flattery thing that we’ve all heard about.
    There isn’t going to be a great impression of Biden

  3. I agree with BFH’s post, but more so. None of them make me feel like I’m listening to him.

    The comedian gave a good impression of how he acts, but not the voice.

    I’d have to make an effort to find someone that does a a good job imitating him, but I’m not into punishing myself enough to do that.

  4. Oh yeah, in agreement with Claudia, Jim Carrey was unwatchable.

    He really disgusts me any time I see what he’s up to.

    Dude, you made a career out of being an idiot. Obviously, it was just acting naturally.

    Ringo had your number.

  5. I think Kayle Dunnagan was the best of the five, but may have used make-up to look like Biden.

    Now Rich Little could do a Nixon or a Bogart without make-up and managed to make himself look pretty much like those two, and lots more. I saw a video of him on stage in London where the audience would challenge him to do famous people in certain situations. One of them was “Do Humphrey Bogart eating an ice cream cone.” Little pulled it off brilliantly.

    I looked on YT for it but could not find it.

  6. For an intelligent person to accurately imitate an imbecile would be a real challenge.
    And, if they were truly capable of doing so….I doubt they’d be ‘acting’.


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