California Scheming – IOTW Report

California Scheming


That’s what solar power does. American Experiment’s Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling have an excellent expose of California’s solar power scam: Stealing with Solar: The Great Net-Metering Heist. Subhead: “How Solar Panels Helped Wealthy Californians Pick The Pockets of Low-Income Families.” More

3 Comments on California Scheming

  1. Next up from these scheming assholes:
    “We just got a three Trillion dollar bill from the Sun that we need to pay!”

    Reply: FU. Strong letter to follow.

  2. There’s always only been one way to make solar pay in California. Get the required storage AND GET OFF THE GRID. It’s just the wife and I living in our 5,000 sq ft home. I know, big home. But we’re rarely home and everything electrical IS NOT USED. Turned off. Our average bill is aprox. $1100.00 per month. PG&E has killed a shit load of people. They’ve been sued and held liable. And Gavin Newsom, after chastising them, granted them the ability to charge their victims what they owe them. You can’t make this shit up. It’s the God honest.


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