Best Cartoon of the Day: Animation of Biden’s Hairy Legs in Pool With Child – IOTW Report

Best Cartoon of the Day: Animation of Biden’s Hairy Legs in Pool With Child

ht/ hot salsa

18 Comments on Best Cartoon of the Day: Animation of Biden’s Hairy Legs in Pool With Child

  1. Mr. Pinko,

    A question.
    Why use SNL as some kind of benchmark of comedy?

    SNL sucks. SNL is EVIL. Is and has been(s) for Decades. Anyone using SNL as a barometer in MAGA places is questionable. Even the name SNL is EVIL and says much about anyone using it for ANY reason ANY where.

    Forever Dick in a Box.

  2. Yesterday I saw a meme on Instagram with Biden talking about the kids rubbing his leg and roaches and kids in his lap… I laughed because I thought it was an excellent parody of Creepy Crazy Uncle Joe.

    Then, I heard Mark Simone play the clip on the radio and I said, “Holy crap! This really happened?!?” You cannot make this stuff up.

  3. I gotta believe that the reason Jackass Joe hasn’t been caught up in the Lolita Express yet is cuz Epstein and the others knew that this Number One Observatory Circle Jerk woulda blabbed and bragged about it endlessly!
    But hey, who knows, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that this grinning imbecile wuz involved!


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