Best Selling Solo Piano Recording of All Time Was Played on a Broken Instrument – IOTW Report

Best Selling Solo Piano Recording of All Time Was Played on a Broken Instrument

Sonic State

You might think the recording was done by a famous pop artist like Elton John or Billy Joel or perhaps an accomplished classical pianist like Vladimir Horowitz or Aurthur Rubenstein. The answer is more of a jazz fusion that happened in Koln, Germany in 1975. Watch

More on how the artist is fairing today and an interview from last year that stresses the musical genius of this performer.

11 Comments on Best Selling Solo Piano Recording of All Time Was Played on a Broken Instrument

  1. Art Pepper did an LP with a busted up saxophone. The mouthpiece cork was split and half stuck to the mouthpiece (he couldn’t tune it), and the sax pads were all rotten and leaky.

    He just worked through it and made an excellent LP.

  2. Fascinating. The abilities of true musicians astound me.

    I once read a book by a former writer for Downbeat magazine who, years later, was talking to a big band leader. The conversation went something like this:

    “I recently heard your recording of (whatever song it was ). It was much slower than I recall.”

    “That’s because you are used to us hearing us playing it live. We probably never heard of the song until ten minutes before we recorded it.”

    Years ago I worked for a radio station that put on a social function. A local band was hired, but their regular piano player was not available that night so they got someone from the local musicians’ union. To be honest, I thought he sounded like he had been playing with the band for years.

    Impressive stuff.

  3. Taylor Swift is a teenyboper idol, only her music is horrible. She’s an idiot with politics. BUT – she does now likes alpha males. Maybe there is hope for her.


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