Beto ‘Booty-Call’ O’Rourke on Third-Trimester Abortions: ‘That Should Be a Decision the Woman Makes’ – IOTW Report

Beto ‘Booty-Call’ O’Rourke on Third-Trimester Abortions: ‘That Should Be a Decision the Woman Makes’

WFB: Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke on Monday said third-trimester abortions should be legal after he was asked about the procedure at a Cleveland campaign event.

“Are you for third-trimester abortions or are you gonna protect the lives of third-trimester babies? Because there’s really not a medical necessity for abortion [at that stage],” a woman asked O’Rourke. “It’s not a medical emergency procedure because typically third-trimester abortions take up to three days to have, so you would in that sense, if there were an emergency, the doctors would just do a C-section and you don’t have to kill the baby in that instance. So are you for or against third-trimester abortions?”

“So the question is about abortion and reproductive rights and my answer to you is that should be a decision the woman makes,” O’Rourke responded, prompting loud applause. “I trust her.”

Democrats have had their hands full navigating the issue of late-term abortion this year. Earlier this year, Democrats in the Virginia state legislature introduced a bill which would have permitted abortion up to the moment before birth. Asked about the legislation, Gov. Ralph Northam (D., Va.) suggested it would permit infanticide, and that a baby who survived abortion “would be kept comfortable” while a discussion ensued “between the physicians and the mother.”  more here

8 Comments on Beto ‘Booty-Call’ O’Rourke on Third-Trimester Abortions: ‘That Should Be a Decision the Woman Makes’

  1. Any woman who would have a third trimester abortion is a monster. By the third trimester the mother has felt the baby moving and kicking for weeks. The baby will react to music. You can feel when the baby gets hiccups. Once while pregnant I nearly got into a crash and I could feel the baby moving agitatedly for quite a while after that event. Go ahead, tell me that’s a clump of cells. Tell me it doesn’t feel pain. The horror of a living, viable baby being ripped apart in its mother’s womb is an unspeakable act of evil. The democrats proudly proclaim their support for this.

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    “I wouldn’t personally commit murder, but I wouldn’t want to make moral judgments about others’ choices.”

    Fuck Off, Toad.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Y’know, half that DNA belongs to the father. If mom doesn’t want the kid, he has no say in the matter, but if she does want the kid, he STILL has no say in the matter, BUT still has to be the one who pays for the next 2 decades. (My wallet, my choice)


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