Beto commits ‘errors’ on his taxes – IOTW Report

Beto commits ‘errors’ on his taxes

Wash Exam-

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke and his wife, Amy, appear to have underpaid their taxes for two years, according to a new report.

The couple appear to have underpaid their 2013 and 2014 taxes by more than $4,000 because they made a mistake in the way they reported their medical expenses, according to an accountant who looked over the returns for the Wall Street Journal.

O’Rourke and his wife, who released their tax returns Monday, took medical expense deductions that were only permitted for medical and dental expenses above 10% of income for people their age. Their taxable income would have increased had they not taken nearly $16,000 in deductions.


Right-wing candidate don’t commit ‘errors.’ They are tax cheats.

ht/ harbqll

11 Comments on Beto commits ‘errors’ on his taxes

  1. “According to an accountant…”

    Gee. Wouldn’t it be fun to have thousands of leftwing accountants and tax lawyers poring over tens of thousands of legally unclear and arguable valuations, characterizations, and items of income, expenses, gains, losses, deductions, carryovers, and carrybacks all under continuous real-time negotiation with the IRS (aka “audit”) of the multiple tax returns and parts thereof of Trump’s super-complicated conglomeration of related international companies and deals.


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