Beto Goes After Greg Abbott for Re-Opening Texas – Ted Cruz and Dan Crenshaw Slam Him – IOTW Report

Beto Goes After Greg Abbott for Re-Opening Texas – Ted Cruz and Dan Crenshaw Slam Him

DanBongino: The failed politician desperate for attention Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke decided to weigh in on Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s decision to re-open the state, calling it “dangerous, dumb, and weak.” While one could argue O’Rourke’s comment best describes his past decision to attempt fleeing the scene of a DUI, it was actually in response to Abbott’s tweet saying that “Texas is Opening Safe, Smart and Strong.” more

12 Comments on Beto Goes After Greg Abbott for Re-Opening Texas – Ted Cruz and Dan Crenshaw Slam Him

  1. @Tony R –

    “…I’m trying real hard to like Dan Crenshaw, but I’m afraid he is another Paul Ryan Republican. Too bad…”

    I haven’t followed him closely, but if what you say is true, it would seem those characteristics lend you to becoming a favorite Fox News guest interviewee.

  2. Beta O’Dourke is a joke in Texas. He’s out waxing his balls since he’s not good for much else. Marrying an heiress is his only ‘talent’.


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