Beto’s campaign asks people to donate to El Paso victims fund by clicking through his campaign site – IOTW Report

Beto’s campaign asks people to donate to El Paso victims fund by clicking through his campaign site

Russell is with the Beto campaign

Then the douche doubled down-

How so?

28 Comments on Beto’s campaign asks people to donate to El Paso victims fund by clicking through his campaign site

  1. I refuse to go to beta’s website, but I am curious what this proposed great gun legislation (that would have avoided this most recent mayhem) is?? and why do we need to click through beta’s website in order to donate?? fookin’ thief! Oh wait! He must be the savior.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope….ahhhhhhh nope!
    I’m not into being spoon-fed baby shit either!

  3. Well, according to the alleged manifesto of the killer-

    He’s not a fan of either party.
    He doesn’t like race-mixing, he wants races split up into “territories” (He doesn’t seem to have probs with native Americans for some reason)
    He wants a border wall alright, because:
    He hates illegals.
    He’s an enviro nut. He doesn’t want the land and water depleted and polluted.
    He wants less people living in the country overall…
    He’s for automation, he’s a big believer in college, he’s for universal income AND universal healthcare.

    Here’s the kicker. He’s felt like this since he was young and he doesn’t want anyone calling him a white nationalist, blaming white people, blaming Trump or politicians. Even though he knows it will happen anyway.

    He also said he was going to go down fighting. Yet there are pictures of him casually standing with cops as he’s handcuffed.

    Yeaaah okay. Nice job, psycho.
    Twisted fuck.

  4. I betcha he’s going to try to use any donations that he may have baited to his website for the shooting as donations to his campaign, and in turn use that statistic in attempt to qualify for the next round of debates. FEC won’t blink an eye- ‘too complicated’
    little robbie orourke is a predictable little slimeball

  5. Have you noticed that, besides his campaign being stuck in the mud, his face is self-destructing? The guy’s mouth is getting so ugly that he needs a bag over his head. I suspect pot smoking.

  6. @MJA: “Yeaaah okay. Nice job, psycho.
    Twisted fuck.”

    with all the important documents and evidence that gets lost in Washington DC by our law enforcement agencies, why couldn’t someone like him have simply been lost on the way to the lockup?

  7. I wonder if the leftists outside of Walmart threw water on the first responders after the 911 call?

    I hope they didn’t go to McDonald’s afterwards because they don’t “serve their kind” there…

  8. This shithead shooter is a classic alienated disconnected psycho wind up toy. How much you wanna bet this psycho watched Uwe Boll’s movie Rampage about 300 times? Sure, you can’t say we should protect our border without getting your free speech rights shut down, but you can make a movie about an asshole gunning down hundreds of innocent, unarmed people for no reason because “It’s aaaart… Stoooooopid!!!…” Entire generations of young men are being blocked out of society, fed a steady diet self-hate and prog bullshit, and then are told on a daily basis to eat shit and like it. Ergo… Wind Up Toys… It’s only a matter of time before one of them blows, inevitable. So, people should be allowed to arm up; not be stripped of all means of self defense.

    Bet the deeps state assholes are ecstatic now.

  9. Skip the emotions. Go for rational thinking. Too soon, another FBI/CIA black ops staged by the same government agents. We are supposed to believe this again!! No!! The MSM is always always dishing out the lies faster than a speeding bullet–Beto on cue for President!.

    I did not even think about doing screen caps when it first “happened” because I never thought they’d morph the story so badly. The original story was that it was two Latinos, one aged 19 and 1 dead 17 injured, who shot up several stores including Target with one still on the loose. Now it is a lone white computer geek age 21 with 18 dead AT WAL MART.
    The story cannot change that much, I call

    OPERATION GLADIO: El Paso Targeted with False Flag Mass Shooting to Further Terrorize the American People into Giving Up Their Guns
    Posted on August 3, 2019 by State of the Nation
    “NWO Cabal Will Not Stop Staging the Mass Shootings
    Until the Guns Have Been Taken Away
    State of the Nation
    Clearly, Deep State is creating every opportunity between now and the Election Day to make serious gun control the number campaign issue for the Democrats.
    The spate of weekend mass shootings are obviously being carried out by Operation Gladio. This is exactly how they do it.”

  10. MJA.., good thing he wore ‘hearing protection’ while he was mowing down innocents.., he’s going to need those things in prison…, as his screams will be deafening

  11. I never donate money to any of these causes. It only lines the pockets of schisters, maniplators, and thieves. Better off in my pocket than in theirs. I can offer my condolences instead.

  12. Any information and witness statements that do not conform to the official story will not be made known. Considering the large number of alleged victims, it is unlikely that there was only one shooter. More than one shooter has been the case in previous shootings, although local officials have to stick to the one-only script for their own safety.

    PICTURED: Walmart gunman Patrick Crusius, 21, who went on 20-minute shooting spree with an AK-47 in El Paso, killing at least 20 and wounding 26, before surrendering to SWAT team – as police link ‘anti-Hispanic’ manifesto to shooter
    PUBLISHED: 13:50 EDT, 3 August 2019 | UPDATED: 23:05 EDT, 3 August 2019

    “A family of three was one of a dozen waiting outside a local bus station, trying to get back to their car, in blocked-off Walmart parking lot.

    ‘I heard the shots but I thought they were hits, like roof construction,’ said Adriana Quezada, 39, who was in Walmart with in the women’s clothing section with her two children.

    She said she saw four men, dressed in black, wearing shirts, moved together firing guns indiscriminately.

    ‘I saw four men, shooting everywhere,’ Quezada said.

    ‘I told my son, those are gunshots.’

    Her daughter, 19, and son, 16, threw themselves on the ground, then ran out of the Walmart through an emergency exit.

    They were unhurt. ”

  13. Every Walmart has 100’s of cameras covering every inch of their stores inside and out from 3 or 4 different angles at a minimum.

    If they take more than 12 hours to review 10 minutes of feed and give a factual statement then you know somethings up.

  14. I’ve got two solutions, both can be found on my website. Just click the ‘donate’ button:
    1) make it illegal to shoot people.
    2) outlaw Walmart.
    Problem solved. Vote for me.


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