Auction: BFH Painting – IOTW Report

Auction: BFH Painting

A friend sent me a painting that she liked. It inspired me. I stared at it awhile (a few days) put it away, and then painted from that memory.

This painting is wholly different than the other, but one could see the inspiration. I set out to make a painting about taking a walk in the woods in fall, and stumbling upon an enviable residence, off the grid. A place to go to leave behind the stress of modernity.

I’m offering it up to the community for auction. There is no reserve.

All I can say is that I hope it doesn’t cost more to ship than it fetches.

The painting is acrylic on an 18×24 canvas. I took photos during the process.

The auction will end Monday the 23rd of November, 11:59 PM ET.

Leave your bids in the comments.

75 Comments on Auction: BFH Painting

  1. Today, just now, it reminds me of the tonnage of leaves I hauled. I love being a land owner, but I still see a few leaves hanging. Grrr. Not one plug nickel until the last leaf falls.

    You know I am kidding.

    It’s quite a nice piece. I just have a little attitude about leaves at the moment. 6 acres of them.

  2. I know that place. That’s where Andy Turtle was hiding out from his agent while printing up counterfeit oscar ceremony tickets.

    I’d buy it…..but I figure it smells like turtle pee.

  3. Like the “stepping stones.” Nice touch…

    Off topic…
    President Elect Outdoorjohn NOVEMBER 22, 2020 AT 6:21 PM

    Some friends have laughed at me when looking at my loading supplies. They ain’t laughing now. Saw on a concealed carry forum where some fools are paying $100.00 a thousand for primers. Only one person I agreed to “give” ten thousand primers to and replace back when the dust settles.

    It’s gotten totally out of hand on everything that goes bang or is used to make it go bang. Maybe Mr. Big might consider a trade for supplies if he pays the hazmat fees…

  4. @BFH – the colors of those leaves in the foreground, reddish yellow, are outside my window right now, red maple.

    Great compositional piece…I would LOVE to see more architectural landscapes…


  5. @MJA – maybe, but not that ‘house’, but the ADK Bunker, he knows what it looks like…and THAT is a bunker of sorts or a simple hunting cabin, it could be anywhere really in America.

    I dig the chimney and can IMAGINE the wood stove in that place…

  6. @BFH – I HATE to be a PITA, A PAIN IN THE ASS, but the is no window that end elevation, because of the chimney.

    Bring that window DOWN to the elevation of the other window…around the corner…or the other front elevation.

    Sorry to be a BORE and looking at details…now I am in REAL trouble…like BAN!! :>O

    I would like to call this piece Stepping Stones (to the Bunker).

  7. I love the lightt touch of the background trees. The painting is outstanding Sir Hat.

    All my oils, mainly florals, are in the basement since we remodeled two years ago. Life got in the way of re-hanging them. Unfortunately I gave away my scratchboard animals many years ago. I thought I would have time to become mor prolific when we retired, didn’t happen. Life and other fun got in my way. Now, I’m too danged shakey. Sorry, just babbling. Not lamenting. I had a good run of fun.. More to come once the political BS and cancer is taken care of.

  8. Every time I see on of Fur’s paintings I am stunned by how good he is at deciding on which colors to use… it’s like a lovely cascade blending into each other.

    As an artist myself I see I still have much to learn. 🙏

  9. I love that you show how the scene developed on the canvas. Not having any clue about creating art, I probably would have drawn the house first and then tried to fill in the background. Beautiful work.

  10. Thanks for the vent comment(s) reminder at the chimney. Correct, some early builders thought the chimney on the exterior, could be a waste of heat (therefore the vent) putting the chimney just to the inside of the exterior.

    They also, if done properly, would leave a slight gap when framing around the chimney, for the purpose of creating a fire chase.

    Now, back to DETAIL. The fog or light mist in the back round adds to the mood. And that is what GREAT artists create…as well as fore ground, main subject and back round

    I’ll barter with you, I have no quatloos to give, I can paint, but paint your…studio / gallery / museum ADDITION to the house, walls for the artwork…

    @MJA – gonna send YOU a pic tomorrow…of THOSE leaves.


  11. It has a bit of a Wyeth vibe to it, in the tones and the house… not so much in the trees. I prefer Wyeth to WiFi. Looks like a lovely retreat.

    Since we’re not in the market for such luxuries at the moment (although art is actually a necessity), we’d like to support the non-government-subsidized IOTW Museum of Art and contribute $25 toward shipping costs to get this work sent to the winning bidder.

  12. I love art and I love music but I have a serious handicap…I am both color blind and tone deaf.

    I could never properly critique either…I simply know what I like and what I don’t like and my finances prevent me from indulging in such luxuries.
    But my passions totally support BFH.

  13. @Joe6pak…shit I”ll bid it to $350.00 cash American without the Ruby Red cowgirl boots AND give it to Ann Nonymous Prime….FUCK I’ll go $750.00 cash American if I can get Glinda floating around somewhere….

  14. Have you ever gone into the deep woods somewhere and stumbled on a place you didn’t expect? And it looked like there were people home? And the place was kind of weird? And you felt like you were invading someone’s privacy just by seeing it because, obviously, they were trying very hard to be unknown by any strangers?

    It happened to me once as a teenager hiking with a friend in the Cascade foothills (’60s).

    BFH’s painting gives me that feeling. It’s brilliant. It’s like a glimpse into the forbidden.

  15. Not sure if you have made a bid Willy. Let everyone know so that they can put in their bid.
    As of now I will call it $300 for Joe6Pak. But you two can work it out if you did make a bid.

  16. $350.00 American BFH….No red cowgirl boots, no Glinda…..send it to Ann Nonymous Prime….I’ll catch up on some pet paintings with you later on….solid $350.00 bid….$750.000 solid with ruby red cowgirl boots and Glinda, you’re choice?

  17. BFH, whoever gets it is going to enjoy hours of wondering what the heck is on the other side of that house with the two odd windows! Is there a garden? Animal pens? Does the terrain open out into a meadow with cattle? Is there a shed just out of view?

    Maybe it’s the Michigan woods and Claudia lives there! 😀

  18. By the way, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Hippie Critic, Irony Curtain and illust8r are all wonderful artists. Wonderful is too weak a word.
    illustr8r’s work has charm and proficiency and character.
    Irony has precision, a master at negative space and creating movement within a static piece.
    Hippie is a world class painter/printmaker whose work you feel to the bone.
    I am proud to know all of them and wish the climate was such that they could show their work without the fear that their personal beliefs would lead to severe repercussions.
    What a world. The left must be eradicated.

  19. @ BFH…..What’s an artist?…I’ve got a degree in Graphic Art’s with a minor in beer, chicks and pizza.. I’ve built iron gates, fence, storm doors for houses worth from 100K to 500K. I’ve caste bronze pieces for the lights in the Colorado Supreme court building….I’ve built street rods, hot rods, dirt racers and kiddie racers…. I’ve welded tricycles, bicycles, reading glasses and snot from a garden slug if it needed done……I kissed my Mom’s cheek 37 years ago when she died too soon……I could draw you a picture of stuff that I can’t draw anymore. I just can’t draw worth a shit anymore…..I can cook though, pretty good…..some will make your tongue slap your brain silly……Fuck, who knows what an artist is…..

  20. You missed the boat. I went to the Trump website to donate another $25 and could not get around making that an automatic $25/month in perpetuity. I am beholden to no man, I support politicians only so long as they are working in my interest. I cannot predict the future, but past behavior is the best indicator. However, I will not sign up for a recurring donation. It is my policy and I will not make any exceptions to it.

    Trust in politicians is like putting a noose around your neck and trusting the ladder you are on even though you have had that ladder for decades and climbed it frequently without incident. You don’t tempt fate in that way either.


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