As Kirk shakes a fist to the sky and yells, KHAN, I shake a fist and yell, iLLUSTR8R!!! She knows these bike stories set me off like a Muslim briefcase clock.
Seattle is upgrading bike lanes to Gold and Emerald status. What does that mean?
That means these routes get first priority for plowing in a snow storm. Get that?
Seattle might not get to roads that are less than Gold and Emerald status, you know, roads for cars and trucks and ambulances and oil companies and electric companies and curriers, because they MUST CLEAR THE BIKE LANES.
Let’s put it in this perspective. Cars are evil because they emit PLANET RAPING EMISSIONS!!!! But they will send out a team of PLANET RAPERS to plow an area that only the most insane moron will be using.
Who bikes in a snow storm?
Is it a requirement before you Go Green to smack your head with a ball peen hammer until you are sluggish?
I hope they slip and crack their goofy skulls open, these seven or so bikers, because those skulls are not protecting anything worth its weight in pisswater.
They got this sh!t from Sweden, I believe…because FEMINISM!
It seems they determined women bike more and men drive or walk.
Need ta have a talk with that illustr8r….
But hilly Seattle is notorious for icy, slippery streets. There are famous videos of cars slowly sliding a half a block or more and crashing into parked cars, utility poles and unforgiving curbs.
Imagine some booger eating socialist sitting atop his fallen $3500 Schwinn Podesta Pizza Special as it pinballs amongst the sliding carts, city buses and SUVs!
A metaphor of the mindlessness of the leftist Mindset, if there ever was one!!!
Heh. *runs away*
The comments under that article are snarky as hell. Good read.
Ball peen or pein, Pean is Fur (gold spots on a black background – but you knew that)
I know that this has been seen here before but once again it seems fitting and I love it.
I live an hour and a half from Seattle and I want you to know that not everybody in Western Washington is as Looney Tunes as the morons in Seattle. In fact Trump won the county I live in, Seattle was around 80-20 for the witch.
Reminds me of this moron:
I was got a BA in Planet Raping & Celestial Abuse back in the 70’s. Who knew?
Federal funding should be cut off from all cities that create such priorities.
Sure would be a *shame* if somebody *accidentially* spilled some motor oil in those bike lanes in the winter….
@Czar, LOL, at the top of Dead Man Hill.
Here in Montana I frequently see people riding bicycles in the winter. I also see them in a pile on the ground fairly often.
There’s only 7 of them because the rest don’t ride unless it involves the ass of a gay spandex rider in front and clear toe clips.
And as the fallen biker lay bleeding from zer massive head contusion incurred in the slippery accident, ze must once again ask the question…Why is this happening? This is the 7th biker this season to have suffered a similar fate. Why are zey falling? And why are the emergency response teams so slow to respond? Do zey need new snow tires? And all on a day when my favorite barista was unable to make it in to work due to the storm. If only she could afford a bike I might not have missed my morning decaf soy latte.
Screw the bicycles, make them chain-up.
Are the Gold and Emerald lanes connected to the bum camps just off of I-5? Maybe they can hire a few bums who want some cash in their pockets to clear the bike lanes.
I would be more concerned if the Port St. Lucie city council spent money snowplowing bike lanes. Besides, snowplows don’t generally remove ice, and the predictable results are worthy and free entertainment.
“Here in Montana I frequently see people riding bicycles in the winter. I also see them in a pile on the ground fairly often.”
It is because they can’t get a driver’s license after their seventh DUI
So let’s think about the practical aspect of this. Bikes ride on the side of the road, so the side of the road must now be plowed first. The the plow has to clear the road for cars. To plow for cars, you plow from the center out, so the plow drives down the center of the road and pushes all the snow into the bike lanes. Then the plow has to make a THIRD pass to re-clear the bike lane.
Way to go environmentalists! Eleventy!
@ Bman
We don’t call them bombs anymore they call them disenfranchised city dwellers.
Or maybe deadbeats?
Bums, auto correct me, but do it right.
When is the “government” going to require licenses and insurance for these freeloader?
@JDHasty – that’s exactly what immediately came to my mind. I rewind multiple times to watch the jogger just as she goes down. BAM (snicker snicker snicker).
Watch. Some brain dead ass hole riding a bicycle in the snow is going to get hurt. Then the ass hole will declare bike lanes an Attractive Nuisance and sue the city. Seattle needs a couple hundred pitfall traps for their bike lanes. Add a water slide that’ll launch those weirdos and their bikes about 150 feet into Puget Sound.
Just got home from a trip into Seattle. The place is nuts. The only thing that’ll put it out of its misery is a 7.5 under downtown. Otherwise, stay away.
I can’t believe I was born there. When I was a kid, it was a Republican town (Boeing). We never locked our doors and you could walk anywhere, day or night. Now… *sigh*
Hitler was killing the wrong people.
“It is because they can’t get a driver’s license after their seventh DUI”
@JDHasty: So you know Ralph?
It’s cloudy with a chance of gemstones.
A super-sized planet 1000 light years from Earth has clouds
that may contain the building blocks of rubies and sapphires,
according to the first exoplanet meteorology report.
“Baby, it’s Shiney outside”
Fancy bike plus the shoes and some fancy outfits, what’s that set you back? Couple grand?
Look Bike dudes, buy some cross country skis and you could be all on trend.
Or go all Hipster and snowshoe to work.
thumbtacks. in bulk. think about it…
I have 6 vehicles, 2 pickup trucks, 2 BMW, 2 motorcycles.
My wife has 3 vehicles, a Range Rover, a motorcycle and a motorhome.
No bicycles ever.
It doesn’t work: they already tried it in Sweden or some such country a month or so ago and it made a clusterfuck, with legitimate traffic super congested and the town coming to a standstill. Way to go, lib-tards!