Biden a Disgrace at Medal of Honor Ceremony – IOTW Report

Biden a Disgrace at Medal of Honor Ceremony

Fox News

Social media users erupted after video appeared to show President Biden leaving a White House Medal of Honor ceremony early, before the closing prayer.

Users accused Biden of having “bolted out of the room” and disrespecting the U.S. military veteran receiving the nation’s highest military honor. More

21 Comments on Biden a Disgrace at Medal of Honor Ceremony

  1. Despicable. There are no words for this insult to all those who serve. Like checking his watch when the bodies of American heros were being returned. He is a poor excuse for a human being let alone for a president. Simply a self-centered person with no regard for anyone but himself.

  2. “Biden a Disgrace at Medal of Honor Ceremony”

    Pedo Joe is himself a disgrace to all humanity just because hes been allowed to live so ling despite crimes ranging from molesting his own choldren to treason to genocide.

    What he is not and never will be is a legitimate president.

    And the fact that most people pretend that he is also is a disgrace.

    …as to this Medal of Honor veteran, I’ve know some Vietnam era helicopter pilots from their postwar service flying medical helicopters, and a braver, more talented, more dedicated, and more crazy in a good way bunch you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. I have no doubt that this man is worthy of this honor and many more besides, as I’m sure the men whose lives he saved by his bravery as per the citation can attest.

    This man is the epitome of honor, bravery, and selfless duty to God and Country.

    So it’s little wonder that Pedo ran from a real man as soon as he can, as a man like this is a living rebuke to a scumwad like Pedo Joe just by existing, and even in his demented state the superannuated fraud can feel it right down to his corrupt bones.

    On behalf of a grateful Nation, I apologize for you having your superlative service and well deserved honor being marred by presentation of one who is not worthy to touch your ribbon, Captain Taylor. A man like you deserves a leader worthy of his services, and the fraudulent Joe Biden in no way qualifies.

    But note that he fled from the prayer as well.

    It is not strange to see a reprobate demon do that, either, as the Word of God would surely sear him even as the presense of a truly honorable man such as yourself does.

    Please know that in our eyes, the only person the pretendident shamed in your ceremony was himself.

  3. He got his most important propaganda Photo shoot.
    Biden had to leave for another more important Vacation.

    At every turn Biden disrespects all Military Veterans and families.
    From MOH recipients, GOLD STAR Families and checking his watch as the Military personnel murdered by his incompetent surrender in Afghanistan are transferred at Dover Air Force Base.

    Biden is not dignified or honorable. Such a Cowardly excuse for a man, let alone President.

  4. A real legitimate Amercan hero and a Christ hating zero.

    Resident Shit Fuck couldn’t stand being next to one, and the demons that control his soul could not withstand prayer coming from the other

    The same Shit Fuck that checked his watch while the hallowed corpses of other legitimate heros were carried past him.

    This Shit Fuck cannot die soon enough (Note: by natural causes you other shit fuck Alphabet monitors)…

  5. Yes, I have contempt for Joe Biden but the people I have the most contempt for are his family and the people surrounding him who are basically guilty of elder abuse. Honestly, I can’t even read articles that cover these occurrences because it reminds me too much of my dad … whom I took care of for the last few years of his life because he had dementia. So many of the things that Biden does are exactly the kind of things my father would do… but who is taking care of Biden? It’s literally criminal what they are doing to him and by extension the country.

    But what else isn’t new.

  6. @BevWKy…..Biden deserves what he’s getting. He’s been an abuser, a user, a lying criminal for decades. Don’t waste your sorrow on him. He and his are gathering vast wealth and power while crapping on you and our country

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