Biden Adm Has Been Hiding Key Intel from Israel – IOTW Report

Biden Adm Has Been Hiding Key Intel from Israel

Red State

There’s no other way to read this except that the Biden administration has been protecting Hamas. If intelligence exists that can help “pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders,” it should have been given to Israel the moment it was produced. The same goes for any information about the terror tunnels. 

Why was that information held back from Israel? Was the White House trying to appease Iran by ensuring Hamas’ survival? Or was Biden concerned about the domestic backlash from the far left if he had a hand in eliminating Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar? More

11 Comments on Biden Adm Has Been Hiding Key Intel from Israel

  1. Did anyone really believe this Jackass when he said: “We’ got Israel’s back”??
    The moron Lies like a rug about EVERYTHING… but then so do all the members of the National 卐 Socialist Party!


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