Biden Administration Erecting Concrete Blast and Security Wall Around White House – IOTW Report

Biden Administration Erecting Concrete Blast and Security Wall Around White House

Why don’t they just triple-mask the building?

CTH: Recently revealed video shows the Joe Biden White House is erecting a concrete (K-Rail) blast and security containment wall directly around the White House.   There doesn’t appear to be any explanation readily available.  more

34 Comments on Biden Administration Erecting Concrete Blast and Security Wall Around White House

  1. If you were wondering where funds for the southern border wall disappeared to…
    “Security for we but not for thee.”
    Some dummies don’t realize walls provide cover for both sides.

  2. Have you woke up yet?

    Somethings noT right.
    They ARE preparing for people’s reaction to their actions.


  3. Matter of National Security, no explanation or comments at this time. Except, try that again, plus added machine gun bunkers & towers. Who is the number one threat to America, look in the mirror.

  4. …even Hitler knew better than to think he could rule by force alone…

    “GOERING: That is not entirely correct. We repeatedly called on the people to express unequivocally and clearly what they thought of our system, only it was in a different way from that previously adopted and from the system in practice in other countries. We chose the way of a so-called plebiscite. We also took the point of view that even a government founded on the Leadership Principle could maintain itself only if it was based in some way on the confidence of the people. If it no longer had such confidence, then t would have to rule with bayonets, and the Fuehrer was always of the opinion that that was impossible in the long run-to rule against the will of the people.”

    …history always repeats, and will continue to do so until the Lord returns.

    …so here we go again…

  5. 1) Getting ready to 25 the Retard Bastage?


    2) Trying to keep the Retard Bastage from wandering out after a fresh “Wetting” of the Presidential Mattress?

    Vote Here
    [] 1
    [] 2
    [] Worse

  6. SNS

    The Romans had the Coliseum which entertained and distracted but also was a way to measure public reaction and mood to their

    Are there are still a lot of NO CROWD sports being played in the USA? In Canuckistan we are back to NO Crowd NHL, Ontario schools on-line, Quebec full ass night curfew.

    Great way to hide Public displeasure from view.

  7. Either
    1) they are planning something or see something coming in a month or 2 (food shortage, vax mandates, or effects of vax mandates, etc)
    2) They are sending a false flag that they have intelligence that a radical conservatives are continuing their insurrection, which is a lie.

  8. Kcir – Fuck Off & Unload those Container Ships
    JANUARY 13, 2022 AT 10:05 AM

    They do allow crowds now, mostly jabbbed, always masked.

    Probably will find a new variant to stop them if they can’t emd “Fuck Joe Biden” chants at them, tho…


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