Biden Cancels ‘Major’ Foreign Policy Speech Due to 2 Inches of Snow – IOTW Report

Biden Cancels ‘Major’ Foreign Policy Speech Due to 2 Inches of Snow

WFB: Joe Biden canceled a Monday trip to the State Department to deliver his first major foreign policy address, citing the two inches of snow that fell in Washington, D.C., during the weekend. more

27 Comments on Biden Cancels ‘Major’ Foreign Policy Speech Due to 2 Inches of Snow

  1. …the Biden rule is that he refuses to go out in any snow that is deeper than his dick is long.

    …he was out in the Rose Garden measuring it repeatedly this morning, and the press enthused about how well he exercised…

  2. The beast can handle the snow, it’s the chance of old man stinkfinger doing the scooby doo and busting his rotten melon open in front of cameras that kept him inside. His handlers don’t want to have to 25th him just yet due to a slip and fall.

  3. @ Jethro… correct. Here in Shamokin we got 20″ so I can only imagine Scranton got a shit load more.
    These people are frauds… the whole lot of them… on both sides of the aisle.

  4. My kid’s school canceled a day of school right when the snow began to fall the night before. There was 0.1″ on the ground when they called it.

    “ThE fOrEcAsT!” they screamed, “We’re going to be snowed in!”

    I told my wife I bet there’s going to be 2 inches.

    At 7AM on the canceled day, there was 2.5″ on the ground, roads clear, 31 degrees, no wind, sun shining. Beautiful winter day.

    F’n pussies. I’m really sick of ’em.

    80% of the time the forecast calls for 8″ of snow we get less than half that. Snow forecast is usually always wrong. They’re supposed to be educators?? and like smart and stuff??

  5. The first sentence of the article refers to Joe Biden as “President”. I am glad that word was removed when the sentence was excerpted for this post. I call him Resident Biden because he resides in the whitehouse,but is not the president. The true President is Donald J. Trump and he lives in Mar-A-Lago.

  6. You’d think someone could have put President Puppet in his little wooden box and carried him over to the State Department. My guess is that Uncle Joe was having a bad day and couldn’t figure out how to get his pants on let alone make a speech!


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