Biden Extends Emergency Declaration Allowing Intel Agencies To “Monitor” State Election Databases – IOTW Report

Biden Extends Emergency Declaration Allowing Intel Agencies To “Monitor” State Election Databases


President Trump signed the emergency declaration and granted the Intelligence Branch of Government full access to the state-level election systems [in 2018].

In short, President Trump was forced by his Machiavellian captors to seal his own fate.  Yes, this is how the DC apparatus works.  The Intelligence Branch of Government works with their political agents within the legislative branch and simultaneously coordinate with their media operatives to surround the target with fire until the action they need is executed.   In the fall of 2018, the unrelenting pressure worked exactly as designed. More

9 Comments on Biden Extends Emergency Declaration Allowing Intel Agencies To “Monitor” State Election Databases

  1. I’m no attorney but this sure sounds like over reach to me. Individual states need to sue. The FIX is still in. This is almost confirmation of what many have said. Going in the deep state figured they needed to cheat by X. At 1:30 AM it was discovered that they needed to cheat by X to the 4th. Total bull shit.

  2. sIt sounds like Sundance is saying Pence i not only a liberal, BUT PART OF DEEP STATE!

    Libera, traitor I agree; but DEEP STATE? Those are Bush folk! Like Mueller and Rod.

  3. Wild Bill – It has long been known that you can “vote” yer way into Communism, but you can’t vote your way out of it.

    Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century. Like it or not we’re in it!


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