Biden Fails to Impress in Debut UN Address – IOTW Report

Biden Fails to Impress in Debut UN Address

FrontPage: The United Nations’ annual high-level General Assembly week was kicked off on September 21st by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ delivery of what can only be described as a doomsday speech. Shortly thereafter, President Joe Biden made his unimpressive debut on the United Nations General Assembly’s world stage, delivering his first speech there as U.S. president. 

“I am here to sound the alarm: The world must wake up,” Guterres warned in his speech. “We are on the edge of an abyss — and moving in the wrong direction. We face the greatest cascade of crises in our lifetimes.”

Guterres recited a litany of what he described as the world’s worst crises that require immediate global attention and political will to resolve, including the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. “COVID-19 and the climate crisis have exposed profound fragilities as societies and as a planet,” Guterres said. “Yet instead of humility in the face of these epic challenges, we see hubris. Instead of the path of solidarity, we are on a dead end to destruction.” read more

15 Comments on Biden Fails to Impress in Debut UN Address

  1. “Yet instead of humility in the face of these epic challenges, we see hubris. Instead of the path of solidarity, we are on a dead end to destruction.”

    See the fear factor at play here? Again, and again, and again. I see it though and recognize what their motives are. Keep you scared shitless and they have control.

  2. All I need to know about the “shared humanity” in the US was to watch the videos of the Emmys and other parties where are glorious elite would party maskless while insisting the little people of no importance doing all the work wear masks… “science!”…

    Fuck the US ruling class… Especially Joe Fucking Biden.

  3. I believe in a “global warming” crisis more than a covid crisis. Both are manmade figments of manipulative global wannabe elitists who are trying to rule the world.

    It would be laughable but significant groups of people think these things are real enough to screw the rest of us.

    Biden is nothing more then a (with dementia) sum sucking leech who siphoned off America lifeblood for 40 odd years with no real job or producing benefiting the human race. He is an illegitimate president and a sign post pointing to the devil.

  4. Well from what little I saw, he certainly impressed me.

    What’s even more “impressive” is the feeling I get when I wonder just which one of his puppet masters thought putting him out on a world stage like this was a good idea??

  5. “The future belongs to those who give their people the ability to breathe free, not those who seek to suffocate their people with an iron hand authoritarianism,” Biden declared.

    That statement says it all. Laugh or cry. It doesn’t matter.


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