Biden GAFFES at WH Correspondents’ Dinner 2022 – IOTW Report

Biden GAFFES at WH Correspondents’ Dinner 2022

Per CNN: (CNN) President Joe Biden took a dig at his predecessor Saturday at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, while also joking about the press, the GOP and the continued existence of the event altogether. “I’m really excited to be here tonight with the only group of Americans with a lower approval rating than I have,” Biden said during his initial comments.

6 Comments on Biden GAFFES at WH Correspondents’ Dinner 2022

  1. Have to admit that Dementia Joe got a good turn out from the liars and propagandists who got him elected to finish Baracky Osmidgenā€™s third term. These are the same dedicated Investigative Journalists who couldnā€™t be bothered to look into Humperā€™s laptop or ask where all that Clinton Global Enrichment money went. Canā€™t wait until 2024, when President Donald J. Trump will refuse to attend this collection of cretinous, Dementiacratic Stenographers.


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