Biden Gives Ridiculous Response to Question of His Mental Competency – IOTW Report

Biden Gives Ridiculous Response to Question of His Mental Competency

Red State

[Newmax’s James] Rosen asks what Biden thinks of the concerns that Americans have about his mental health [during yesterday’s press conference].

Biden’s response to Rosen’s question? “I have no idea” about why they think that. And that’s the problem. He doesn’t have any idea; he’s clueless as to what is going on. He doesn’t seem to understand the greater picture of what’s happening around him, including how Americans perceive him, his policies, or his ability to do his job. He doesn’t want to know or address it. He’d rather just move on past the question and hope it goes away. Except that it wouldn’t, because he continues to have issues that impact on very important concerns for this country. More

21 Comments on Biden Gives Ridiculous Response to Question of His Mental Competency

  1. Of course you have no idea. You are a drooling dipshit. You have been all your life. Do you remember the look on Thomas Sowell’s face when you spouted dumb shit those decades ago?

  2. He’s always been a lying, cheating, corrupt piece of snail shit. I could barely stomache watching the choice parts of that press conference but yea, he’s got about as much sense as a rotten log.

  3. There’s an old Far Side Cartoon, that They occasionally use as a Header on the New

    Site. It has a Drawing of an Old Man sitting up in Bed staring at the Wall.

    In Big Letters

    “First Pants, Then Shoes”

    I think of this Dipshit every Time.

  4. I think that if I were a reporter it would be worth it to lose my White House access by asking pResident Poopy Pantz this one question: “Why did your Secretary of State say that Russia will be met with a united, swift and severe’ response if Putin invades Ukraine” when all you had to do is threaten Vladimir with beating the hell out of him behind the gym” when you had him on the phone?

  5. I watched this, all his answers were just fine. If your look’n for outlandish claims, fake stories with all the lies, that twit was FIRED. Supreme Court says, all your records are now ours, even though you destroy some, there’s more than enough to hang your ass out to dry.

  6. Have some ice cream Joey. Leave the real work to the apparatchiks! and yes, your pants ARE on backwards, and no, I don’t know where the wet spot came from. Sloe Gin, if I had to guess.


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