Biden Grants Himself The Power Over The Entire Economy In The Name Of Climate Change – IOTW Report

Biden Grants Himself The Power Over The Entire Economy In The Name Of Climate Change

Larry Kudlow writing in The NY Sun

President Biden’s new executive order on climate change would basically let the government do virtually anything in any part of the economy or the financial markets, or labor markets, or agriculture — or anything — in the name of mitigating risk of climate changes. More

16 Comments on Biden Grants Himself The Power Over The Entire Economy In The Name Of Climate Change

  1. CNN more or less let this one out of the bag on Project Veritas a few months in April when they said climate change was the next big emergency. Geoengineering – look at what they are doing.

  2. “Everything a lefty greenie could possibly hope for. They’ll sleep with smiles on their faces.”

    …actually, they won’t. They’re nasty, miserable people who have no capacity for joy due to the evil in their souls, and they are never, EVER happy.

    That’s why they pull the REST of us down, misery does indeed love company…

  3. Jimmy Carter (with an iced tea) hanging out with 0bama (with a Lite beer), talking about their times in office and what they failed to achieve. PedoJoe shows up with a case of Keystones and says, “Hold my beers”…

  4. Obama’s dream. He’s pulling the puppet strings and loving every minute.
    No media or political pressure on himself.
    Biden and Harris don’t have the brains between them to do this.


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