Biden holds bizarre virtual meeting with Xi and China – IOTW Report

Biden holds bizarre virtual meeting with Xi and China

15 Comments on Biden holds bizarre virtual meeting with Xi and China

  1. Biden: Good evening Senor Mr. Hee.

    Xi: That’s Xi, you pronounce “Shee”.

    Biden: Oh, I am sorry Mr. Gee. How is the weather today in Mexico City?

    Xi: I am in Beijing, China, not Mexico City (covers hand over mouthpiece – “Biden is CooCoo Bananas Nuts”).

    Biden: Oh. Sorry again…is that the capital of Mex…er, China?

    Xi: Yes, Beijing is capital of Glorious People’s Republic.

    Biden: Every map I’ve looked at says it Peeping. A guy named Tom used to live there. Ha Ha!

    Xi: I don’t like your joke…Western Imperialists called it that – we changed to proper name after Glorious Revolution.

    Biden: Holy Crap! I did not know that.

    Xi: What is this “Holy Crap” you speak of? Your Ambassador said you left one in the Vatican, like all visitors do.

    Biden: Mr. Gee, let’s not talk about that, OK?

    Xi: The Chinese people and the CCP do not want any Holy Crap from you, OK?

    Biden: Of course, Mr Chairman…uh…uh…Mao, of course…I wouldn’t do anything to ruin our great friendship! Never!

    Xi: (gives phone to palace janitor)…here, you talk to this numbskull.

  2. Biden made it clear (via Double-Diplomat-speak) in his talk with XI yesterday that Taiwan is on its own. The Biden “administration” is preparing the world to accept the invasion and takeover of Taiwan. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes a fact.

    If Taiwan resists militarily in any way, the PRC will throw everything they have into the attack, possibly using nuclear weapons. If the US does not help, nobody else will. Count out India, Japan, Australia, and any other country in SE Asia. Nobody will lift a finger to help. It’s sad, but that is reality as I see it.

    We have a new Neville Chamberlain.


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