Biden Illegally Holding Children Past Mandatory Deadlines – IOTW Report

Biden Illegally Holding Children Past Mandatory Deadlines

National Pulse

Under federal law, border patrol can detain children for a maximum of 72 hours, but as of March 20th, “3,314 unaccompanied children had been in custody longer, with 2,226 for more than five days and 823 for more than 10 days,” the outlet continues. More

18 Comments on Biden Illegally Holding Children Past Mandatory Deadlines

  1. Federal Law? The law is something that only the little people need to follow. If the feds decide not to follow the law, just who is it that is going to stop them?

  2. I don’t care about the whelps of illegal-alien invaders or the Usurper Joey the Retard.

    If Joey had them all killed after having had sex with them the Media still wouldn’t mention it.

    Nobody REALLY GsAF about pawns.
    Maybe somebody could get a photo-op handing out Teddy Bears? Sandy O’Cortez, maybe?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Biden Illegally Holding Children”

    most of his life from what i can gather.
    the msm doesn’t report much on it for some reason

    “They are apparently keeping some in nice hotels.”
    but our national guard troops guarding the congress sleep on garage floors.

    “There’s no question anymore as to who the all-time worst “president” is”
    yes, if only we knew who was actually in charge, because we all know it isn’t brainless joe

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