Biden kicks off campaign with pathetically attended rally of paid union workers – IOTW Report

Biden kicks off campaign with pathetically attended rally of paid union workers

He seems to be in a grade school auditorium.

Call us when he fills a stadium or an arena.

Biden says his campaign is about truth over lies… while he botoxes his face in order to look younger than he is.

ht/ all too much

24 Comments on Biden kicks off campaign with pathetically attended rally of paid union workers

  1. Congrats Joe
    You’re the hero of the anti-intellectual movement
    of the so-called democrat party.

    Maybe they and their brethren can understand your
    profoundly unintelligeable misstatements of
    self-glorifying praise.

    Maybe even the American people will.

  2. Hillary cancelled a campaign tour of PA because attendance was poor, mostly party hacks. They had to fake the venues and crowds. Who would expect Biden to do any better?

    I still don’t believe he is the anointed one.

  3. Still holding out hope for a long shot. . .
    Eric Michael Swalwell, born November 16, 1980 and his female mentor, Hillary Clinton.

    Can’t you see her walking on stage. . . holding his little hand.


  4. The radical Left is now the face of the Democrat party. And these old geezers thought they were still in charge. Biden is too conservative for them. Even Sanders is too conservative this time around. Think French Revolution and you would almost be close. Okay, if the French Revolution had been led by a gay/lesbian or trans-gender, person of color who supports pedophilia the new D party would be a good comparison.

  5. I heard a clip of Biden’s clap trap to the audience of firefighters, telling them, “We all know who built this country!” Uh, firefighters are unionized public employees, Joe.

  6. Just prior to, Biden’s handlers suggesting he forget the words ‘Pink’ And ‘Stink’ altogether,,, also reminding him to avoid any mention of “muffs,” “tang,” “cooze” and to definitely not do “the shocker” hand gesture while walking to the podium. “This is a very important night for us, Joe, and if you could try to stay on message as much as possible that would be, you know, ideal. Also, don’t do that thing where you smell your finger.” At press time, sources said Biden had assured he would do his best, but couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t “pop wood” at some point.


    These people will of course go on a Trump-bashing whistle-stop tour until donors pull the plug, but will gladly pay for the bags of shit they can throw in the mean time.

  8. Thirdtwin — Clinton didn’t win the popular vote. The estimate is 3-6 million fraudulent votes made up mainly of illegal alien voters in CA and motor voter states.

  9. How interesting that Biden copied Trump’s rally format, with people on bleachers behind him.

    However, unlike Trump’s enthusiastic audience, these people/props appeared dumb, disinterested, and bored.

    Now, I dislike looking at Creepy Biden, but I couldn’t help noticing that he looked really weird.

  10. If Jackass Joe really wants to see a large crowd President Trump should invite him to one of his rallys.
    And since Biteme desperately wants to “take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him” the crowd would love to see the construction worker in Donald Trump play “Rock the Clown” with Joe!

  11. There is another issue at play here, these a-holes are drawing anemic crowds because even their most ardent liberals know this is a conferderacy of dunces..

    The few libertard aquintences I know (mostly through family marriages) are all mostly downcast and depressed knowing none of these crazies has a chance against the Trumpian juggernaut.

    Even they are beginning to see the empty promise of impeachment and secretly acknowledge the vastly improved economy.

    The shoe is on the other foot now and they are living the nightmare I experienced knowing Rino Romney would never defeat the half black Jesus.


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