Biden Leaves Basement For Celebrity Fund Raiser – IOTW Report

Biden Leaves Basement For Celebrity Fund Raiser

Fox News

Joe Biden is set to attend a high-roller fundraiser Thursday evening headlined by anti-police activist John Legend, who has openly promised that he’ll try to push the former vice president towards totally defunding law enforcement and adopting other far-left positions.

Legend has argued, for example, that President Trump’s base consists of white supremacist terrorists — a line of attack reminiscent of Biden’s assertions that 10 to 15 percent of Americans are “just not very good people,” and that many Trump supporters believe “Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad.”

Barbra Streisand, Jay Leno, and Jennifer Hudson will also attend the 8 p.m. ET “Fabulous Evening” event, where attendance requires a minimum $2,800 buy-in to shore up resources for the Biden Victory Fund, a joint committee of the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and state Democratic parties. More

14 Comments on Biden Leaves Basement For Celebrity Fund Raiser

  1. Republican senators joining with democrats to rename military bases.

    The republican party does not represent me. I always knew it didn’t.

    The republican party is not going to save any of us from jack shit.

    To think otherwise is delusional.

  2. Now they’re claiming the ‘second wave’ bullshit. They are going to try to lock us down again. Lockdown for us, complete freedom for the negros and antifa, now try to lock us down again.

    FUCK them.

  3. I am surprised about Leno, too. Maybe he doesn’t want his car collection torched.

    By the time you are done, military bases will either be numbered or named for the closest city — assuming that city is not named for a racist. Around Seattle, and I’m sure in other places too, roads are numbered (NE 320th Street) or for where the road goes (Carnation-Duvall Hwy). The policy is not to name streets in any other fashion.

    In Seattle there was an elementary school named for a Seattle fireman in the ‘20’s-40’s who spent a lot of time going to schools and talking to kids. A few years ago the school board decided that since no one knew who he was (and probably since he was a white guy) they changed the name to honor an Asian teacher. Sure, maybe she deserved to have a school after her, but what kind of honor is it when it comes with an asterisk saying “But we’ll rename it when no one who knew you is around anymore. Isn’t that an honor?”

  4. Joe Biden’s travel checklist:

    ✔ COVID mask
    ✔ Nitrile gloves
    ✔ Hand sanitizer
    ✔ Hair plug
    ✔ False Teeth
    ✔ Snot rag
    ✔ Spare underwear
    ✔ Sock suspenders
    ✔ COVID jock strap (Joe’s penis preventer)

    Okay, Joe, you’re ready to meet…

    ✔ Hollywood douchebags

    “Where the girls at?”

  5. I like this. Once he starts going out and about, Dementia Joe Obiden Bama will have an opportunity to say something stupid. “Leno, you lying pony humping Hollywood huckster! Do you want to go outside and feel my hair plugs? Babara, why did you marry that white pony charmer? Legend! I knew a real legendary legend once who was a clean articulate story book. China, come on, man! Clean our clocks!” OK, that’s not going to happen, but plenty of celebrities are going to see how dim the light has gotten on the Obiden Bama porch. Unlock the Mausoleum!

  6. The Hollywood douchebags need to bring plenty of gropeable and sniffable women for the event – out of respect for Joe. Serving a politician’s sexual perversions is what Democrats do best. Okay, after ripping people off and never getting caught at Federal crimes.

  7. Joe could forget where he is and think he’s being heckled when the Ho-wood crowd is clapping for him.

    To Babs: Hey man, I can whip your pony soldier ass in push-ups.

    To Jay Leno: Hey man, I could punch out your pony soldier butt anytime with my little finger…It’s been in some sticky locations and always came out the winner.


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