Biden Leaves Interpreter Stranded in Afghanistan who Saved His Live in 2008 Snowstorm – IOTW Report

Biden Leaves Interpreter Stranded in Afghanistan who Saved His Live in 2008 Snowstorm

Gateway Pundit:
September 2008 and the photo shows US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Vice President Joe Biden and the new Secretary of State John Kerry smiling after they were rescued in a snowstorm behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. (Infoknomon Politics)

Joe Biden left the interpreter who rescued him in 2008 stranded in Afghanistan this week.
The Daily Mail reported:

The Afghan interpreter who helped rescue President Biden from a remote Afghan valley in 2008 has been left behind after the last US evacuation flight took off on Monday, according to a report.

Mohammed, going only by his first name for safety reasons, is hiding from the Taliban with his wife and four children after trying for years to get out of Afghanistan to no avail.

Mohammed, while working for the US Army, had a key role in a story often repeated – and embellished – by Biden during his 2008 run for vice president.


See Also:

A convicted rapist, who was already deported as a “refugee” in 2016, ended up at an airport in Washington D.C. after being evacuated from Afghanistan with no documentation. more

10 Comments on Biden Leaves Interpreter Stranded in Afghanistan who Saved His Live in 2008 Snowstorm

  1. In less than eight months, Biden has done eight times the damage Onama did on eight years. As Obama said, never underestimate Joe’s ability to…put us behind the eight ball.

  2. Um… In September 2008 Biden was not VP, Hillary CLinton would become Secretary of State roughly four and a half months later, and Horseface Kerry wouldn’t get his dream of being called Mister Secretary for another four years!
    Is this another one of Biden’s tall tales?


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