Biden Mourns For Victims In Houston and Michigan – IOTW Report

Biden Mourns For Victims In Houston and Michigan

The man famous for being a gaffe machine, Joe Biden, took things to a troubling level yesterday during a California fund raiser. A pool reporter admitted that the current leader for the democratic party nomination to run for president mentioned, “the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before.” He reportedly corrected himself later in his remarks.

I’d normally post this in the interest of ridiculing the bumbling glad- hander who always seems to be in over his head, but this time I’m posting this out of concern for the man’s mental capacity. This isn’t funny, it’s disconcerting.  More

19 Comments on Biden Mourns For Victims In Houston and Michigan

  1. Well, that is a clip that will keep giving, locally, in Ohio, should Joe get the nomination.

    But I don’t think old Joe will get the nomination. If the MSM is going all in this early protecting Harris by saying Tulsi is a Russian agent- the writing is on the wall; Harris is going to come out of this on top. … There is a joke somewhere in there were the punch line is Harris copulated her way to her senate seat but it’s Monday and I don’t have it in me to dig it out.

  2. Close enough for Democrats? Our Joey lost the plot a couple of decades ago, and without his handlers he is now being exposed as the greatest fund of misinformation in the 2020 Clown Car. After all, Barack vetted this man’s racial attitude, not his intelligence.

  3. The annoying neighbor across the lake got carted out by ambulance last week. 69-year-old, a product of the 60’s, I’m afraid, who perhaps imbibed a little too much of the counter-culture.

    The people sharing the same peninsula with her were worried about their own safety. She’d tell one person of seeing pony’s in the lake and another that Trump was talking to her from the roof of her place.

    Not everyone ages gracefully. I feared she’d wind up drowned or worse. Folks over there were glad to see her go to the hospital and that her daughter took the hand gun from her mom’s place after she was gone.

    Maybe I should just laugh it off, but that’s how we all let the neighbor go on too long before getting her help.

  4. Two days — 34 dead.

    Is that in addition to the normal fifteen-to-twenty-thousandish who die tragically in randomly selected 48 hour intervals in the United States?

  5. Isn’t Biden the. DREAM Democrat candidate?
    Completely, fully controllable.
    So he will be nominated.
    Then there will be a full blown all-out media and Hollywood blitzkreig on all things that can be used to claim Mr. Trump is the incompetent one, with a disqualifying evil demeanor.
    And the evil swamp will try to steal every state election they can to win the electoral college.
    Biden will be in, butthe evil swamp will run the country.


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