Biden: ‘Nobody warned me’ about Hunter and Ukraine because Beau was dying – IOTW Report

Biden: ‘Nobody warned me’ about Hunter and Ukraine because Beau was dying


Joe Biden asserted that he never heard worries that his son Hunter Biden’s role on a Ukrainian gas company could create a conflict of interest.

“Nobody warned me about a potential conflict of interest,” Biden said Friday in an interview with NPR. “I never, never heard that once at all.”

Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, while his father was vice president and working on Ukrainian policy. President Trump asked the Ukrainian president this year to investigate the Bidens, prompting Democrats to launch impeachment proceedings against Trump.

George Kent, a top State Department official, testified during impeachment hearings in November that he raised conflict of interest concerns after he learned Hunter Biden was on Burisma’s board.

“In February 2015, I raised my concern that Hunter Biden’s status as a board member could create the perception of a conflict of interest,” Kent said. “Let me be clear, I did not witness any effort by any U.S. official to shield Burisma from scrutiny.”

Joe Biden told NPR that if Kent raised the issue with his staff, they did not tell him about it likely because his late son Beau Biden was battling cancer.

“Well, my son was dying so I guess that’s why he said it, because my son was on his deathbed. But that that’s not the reason why — they should have told me,” Biden said.

Beau Biden was treated for cancer in 2013 and then given a clean bill of health later that year. The cancer returned in spring 2015, and he pursued treatment but was hospitalized and then died in late May 2015. read more

25 Comments on Biden: ‘Nobody warned me’ about Hunter and Ukraine because Beau was dying

  1. Our Joey can’t handle the facts or the truth or remember the plot. It’s like watching the Hindenburg crash into the Titanic, and somehow Captain Biden swims away with his clothes on fire and no clue how he managed to hit that iceberg and ignite all that hydrogen. I don’t know how this Full Catastrophe is going to end, but it’s more fun watching than anything since the night President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton got defeated by the Great Usurper (with a little help from all those Macedonian Content Farmers). Please stay tuned, this disaster is going to end with an intervention by the Attorney General’s Special Counsel.

  2. I forgot to mention that when Captain Biden was pulled into one of the Titanic’s lifeboats he challenged the women to a nude swimming contest and the men to push ups to prove his fitness for command of the lifeboat.

  3. “Well, my son was dying so I guess that’s why he said it, because my son was on his deathbed. But that that’s not the reason why — they should have told me,”

    Invoking your dead son isn’t going to shield you from the microscope Joey Boy…

  4. Whatever happened to “nobody ever said that about him comment?”
    So they didn’t want to tell you because one son was dying and the other one was a lying cheating scoundrel conniving drugged out piece of crap. Hanging out in strip clubs then knocking one of them up and making 85k a month for something he was not qualified for in a foreign company? Got it. You must be proud?

  5. In the year 2008:
    “Lots of things have happened to Sinclair since that press conference in June, including his arrest shortly after completing the press conference by DC police on a “fugitive warrant” from the state of Delaware. This came down from a sealed grand jury indictment orchestrated by the attorney general of Delaware, one Beau Biden. Yes, the son of Obama VP pick Joe Biden. In late August all criminal charges against Sinclair were dropped, charges that Sinclair contends he knew all along were bogus. If there were any clearer cases of abuse of power by an attorney general, using his office for political purposes against a private citizen, I can’t think of a more egregious recent example.”

    Playing with prosecutors, again. Probably a large factor in biden being chosen for the VP position, as he shut down hussein obama’s gay sex ‘scandal.’
    The biden crime family won’t go out easily, and I’m greatly impressed with the efforts of Rudi Giuliani to fight organized crime.

    SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2008:
    “Democrats had better wake up to this as Obama/Biden 2008 is going to forever destroy the Democratic Party in the United States if this is not checked immediately.”


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