Biden Orders EEOC Chief To Resign, She Refuses – IOTW Report

Biden Orders EEOC Chief To Resign, She Refuses


President Biden fired Equal Employment Opportunity Commission general counsel Sharon Fast Gustafson on Friday after she declined to resign under pressure from the White House. More

14 Comments on Biden Orders EEOC Chief To Resign, She Refuses

  1. Who cares if she may have been the greatest to have ever have held that positions. PRESIDENT Trump had a hand in her hiring so she must go! What an asshole.

  2. ……a break from long-established norms respected by presidents of both parties…”

    There’s her first mistake. There’s nothing normal or respectful about this administration.

  3. No fucking sympathy for her. Just a couple of months ago, the EEOC said it wasn’t illegal to block an employee from the workplace because they had refused a COVID vaccination. They couldn’t technically FIRE an individual for refusing the shot, but they COULD prevent them from working again until they submitted.


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