Biden Plotting a 130,000 Acre Land Grab – IOTW Report

Biden Plotting a 130,000 Acre Land Grab

The Federalist

The New York Times reported Thursday that President Joe Biden is planning to expand a pair of national monuments in California by roughly 130,000 acres, citing two people familiar with the plans.

“The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument will each get new boundaries designed to protect land of cultural significance to Native American tribes,” the Times revealed. More

24 Comments on Biden Plotting a 130,000 Acre Land Grab

  1. At some point, every square inch of north and South America were of “cultural significance” and/or “sacred ground” to the so-called native Americans. We need to put a stop to this nonsense, before they own it all.

    And now that I’m on a rant, if Indians are members of a “sovereign nation” (I.e. a tribe), with all the benefits thereof, why should they be allowed to vote in state and federal elections?

  2. Well we have to start by removing the catholic colonialist name of San Gabriel Mountains.
    They’re now the Oonga Balloonga Mountains. That will make the LA lefties happy when they occasionally see them when the smog blows out.

    I grew up in San Gabriel in the 1960s. Those mountains were rarely visible.

  3. “Waiting patiently for our token Native American to comment…”

    Kinda like the guy. Don’t get me wrong, I like you too. Not in a sexual way ya understand. Now days you need to clarify that. LOL
    I’m very familiar with the San Gabriel monument area. Fairly close to an AFB. At night the entire mountain side is lit up with a grid of blue lights. I have no idea, but I’ve seen it. That area is straight up and straight down. It’s useless. Even to injuns. My guess is the found Uranium and they want to sell it to Putin.

  4. joe6pak

    I think he goes by Grey Feather. Personally I haven’t read anything he’s posted I disagree with. Seems like a strait shooting conservative. And we all know Anymouse is a conservative as can get. I didn’t read the dust up. Two good guys that need to figure it out. In the coming months it’s important we conservatives stick together.

  5. Now it’s totally different with me and my two enemies. Ones a bigger asshole than I am, and the other one doesn’t want to except the fact that I am an asshole. SNICKER.

  6. I don’t remember Grey Feather, I’ll look for him. Is Anymouse a Native American? I can’t keep track of all that. Here’s a story of being a dummy. Where I went to high school we had a good sized Indian reservation as part of the community. We all had several Indian friends, and there were some Indians that didn’t want to be friends. Anyway, a small privat plane went down in reservation land and a few of us checked out the site after the coppers left. There was a rotating, red light that still worked so we took it and decided to drive to town and pull people over, only to laugh, and flip them off, and drive away. We pulled over a car of drunken Indians and they didn’t think that was the least bit funny. I swear we were in a high speed chase trying to get away from them. Im still alive, but only because we did get away. We threw that light away that night.

  7. joe6pak

    I could be wrong on the name. I’ve been wrong once before. 1984 I believe it was. I thought I was wrong, but, I was actually right. So I was wrong. I didn’t sleep for months.

  8. Brad LOL!

    I was a Telco trainer back in the old days. Most mofos didn’t like that job. I loved it. I had the bad habit of letting a mofo dig an 8 foot hole and find nothing.

    “All these pairs are open on the tip side!”

    “Really? You better test the whole box…”

    “Everything in the box is open tip side?!”

    “What are the fucking odds of that? Think about it.”

    thinking for a minute…

    “You stood here for two hours and let me fuck up!”

    “You will never forget it.”

  9. When the Republic of Texas unfortunately made the decision to join the United States, it was with the condition that Texas retained all public lands for itself rather than concede them to the US government. Good move, Texas! There are oceans of oil under much of that land. Texas funds higher education with oil revenues from that oil. Big Bend National Park was a gift given to the people of the US by the State of Texas.


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