Biden Puts The US On The Road To A Chinese Social Credit System – IOTW Report

Biden Puts The US On The Road To A Chinese Social Credit System

Sam Faddis:

[…] Joe Biden recently attended the G20 summit in Indonesia. At that meeting, acting as President of the United States, he signed an agreement that includes the paragraph set out above. It pledges U.S. support for the development and implementation of a digital vaccine passport. What that means is that Biden, without any authorization from Congress, has in effect entered us into a treaty under which American citizens will ultimately not be able to travel anywhere without being able to show via some electronic system that they have had vaccines mandated by the government. MORE

16 Comments on Biden Puts The US On The Road To A Chinese Social Credit System

  1. It should be obvious that Joey, the Pedophile Usurper, totally rejects the basis of Americanism – that a free people govern themselves. Our Constitution CONSTRAINS the FedGov – it doesn’t give it carte blanche.

    He is worse than a traitor – he’s a Pedophile, a Usurper, AND a traitor.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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